

  1. 回溯性分析心電圖人工智慧系統導入後對急診醫療品質的改善
    A retrospective study of the improvement of emergency medical quality after the introduction of artificial intelligence enabled electrocardiogram system.
    Tri-Service General Hospital Penghu Branch
    Jan, 2024 - Dec, 2024, NT$ 850,000, TSGH-PH-E-113007
    PI: Hu HF; Co-PI: Lin C

  2. 心臟瓣膜疾病從篩檢到術後照護的全方位人工智慧系統 (2/3)
    A comprehensive artificial intelligence system for heart valve disease from screening to postoperative care (2/3).
    Cheng Hsin General Hospital
    Jan, 2024 - Dec, 2024, NT$ 700,000, CHNDMC-113-11205
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lee YT

  3. 致命性心律不整即時監測穿戴式裝置人工智慧平台建置(1/3)
    Development of artificial intelligence platform for real-time monitoring of fatal arrhythmia wearable devices (1/3).
    Medical Affairs Bureau
    Jan, 2024 - Dec, 2024, NT$ 398,000, MND-MAB-C07-113021
    PI: Lin C

  4. 回溯性分析以心電圖人工智慧系統提供民眾心血管疾病初步篩檢報告至社區與健檢之成效
    A retrospective study to analyze the impact of the cardiovascular disease screening by artificial intelligence enabled electrocardiogram in communities and physical examination center.
    Tri-Service General Hospital
    Jan, 2024 - Dec, 2024, NT$ 420,000, 801GB113239
    PI: Fang WH; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  5. 三軍總醫院人工智慧特色計畫-基礎環境建置、品質管理系統認證及模型落地輔導
    The Development of artificial intelligence in Tri-Service General Hospital: infrastructure construction, quality management system and model landing.
    Tri-Service General Hospital
    Jan, 2024 - Dec, 2024, NT$ 2,134,653, 801GB113019
    PI: Hung YJ; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  6. 利用多維度機器學習來預測腦傷患者的預後
    Using multidimensional machine learning to predict outcomes of brain-injured patients.
    National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
    Aug, 2023 - Jul, 2024, NT$ 1,107,000, NSTC112-2314-B-038-112
    PI: Lin MC; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  7. 結合多媒體學習理論和提取練習強化醫學生心電圖線上學習平台:探討理論模式、應用及成效分析
    Optimization of An ECG Interpretation Skill Training Web-based Platform Constructed with Multimedia Learning Theory And Retrieval Practice: Exploring Theoretical Models, Application, and Outcome Analysis.
    National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
    Aug, 2023 - Jul, 2025, NT$ 1,609,000, NSTC112-2410-H-016-002-MY2
    PI: Lin CS; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  8. 開發改善膽固醇代謝及動脈硬化並具肝臟保護作用的藥物新策略:細胞、動物及人體研究
    Novel strategies to revamp cholesterol metabolism and mitigate atherosclerosis with hepatoprotective effects: in vitro, in vivo and human studies.
    National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
    May, 2023 - Apr, 2024, NT$ 1,000,000, NSTC112-2314-B-016-049
    PI: Lin SH; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  9. 以多元醫療數據平台建構人工智慧指標及疾病風險評估模型(3/4)
    The development of artificial intelligence markers and disease risk assessment model via the multi-source medical data platform.
    National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
    May, 2023 - Apr, 2024, NT$ 7,000,000, NSTC112-2321-B-016-003
    PI: Lin SH; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  10. 心臟瓣膜疾病從篩檢到術後照護的全方位人工智慧系統 (1/3)
    A comprehensive artificial intelligence system for heart valve disease from screening to postoperative care (1/3).
    Cheng Hsin General Hospital
    Jan, 2023 - Dec, 2023, NT$ 800,000, CHNDMC-112-05
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lee YT

  11. 個人化心電圖人工智慧於國軍人員穿戴式裝置上之演算法研究
    Algorithm study of Personalized ECG Artificial Intelligence Model on Wearable Devices in national military.
    Medical Affairs Bureau
    Jan, 2023 - Dec, 2023, NT$ 630,000, MND-MAB-C13-112050
    PI: Lin C

  12. 以多元醫療數據平台建構人工智慧指標及疾病風險評估模型(2/4)
    The development of artificial intelligence markers and disease risk assessment model via the multi-source medical data platform.
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    May, 2022 - Apr, 2023, NT$ 9,000,000, MOST111-2321-B-016-003
    PI: Wang CH; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  13. 以心電圖人工智慧系統作為糖尿病管理的新型工具
    Electrocardiogram-based artificial intelligence: an innovation system for diabetes management.
    Cheng Hsin General Hospital
    Jan, 2022 - Dec, 2022, NT$ 500,000, CHNDMC-111-07
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lee YT

  14. 三軍總醫院人工智慧特色計畫-基礎環境建置及模型落地輔導
    The Development of artificial intelligence in Tri-Service General Hospital: infrastructure construction and model landing.
    Tri-Service General Hospital
    Jan, 2022 - Dec, 2022, NT$ 2,250,000, TSGH-B-111020
    PI: Ho CL; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  15. 以人工智慧輔助工具建立糖尿病照護應用
    The Application of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Tools to Management of Diabetic Care.
    Tri-Service General Hospital
    Jan, 2022 - Dec, 2022, NT$ 477,000, TSGH-E-111217
    PI: Fang WH; Co-PI: Lin C

  16. 以人工智慧模型分析嗅覺小鼠模型之氣味感知反應
    Artificial intelligence analysis of response of olfactory mice model
    Medical Affairs Bureau
    Jan, 2022 - Dec, 2022, NT$ 480,000, MND-MAB-D-111045
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Chen CF

  17. 結合流行病學與深度學習建構心電圖創新健康照護服務系統-對多個慢性疾病和心臟狀態異常的篩檢及病程預測
    Epidemiology and deep learning enhanced electrocardiogram innovative health care service system-Screening and progression prediction for multiple chronic diseases and abnormal cardiac states
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Aug, 2021 - Jul, 2024, NT$ 4,050,000, MOST110-2314-B-016-010-MY3
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lin CS, Fang WH

  18. 急性心因性猝死監測及即時判讀平台建置及驗證研究
    Development and Validation of Acute Cardiac Sudden Death Monitoring and Real-time Detection System.
    National Science and Technology Development Fund Management Association, Taiwan
    Jun, 2021 - May, 2022, NT$ 1,107,000, MOST110-3111-Y-016-005
    PI: Lin C

  19. 以多元醫療數據平台建構人工智慧指標及疾病風險評估模型(1/4)
    The development of artificial intelligence markers and disease risk assessment model via the multi-source medical data platform.
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    May, 2021 - Apr, 2022, NT$ 7,000,000, MOST110-2321-B-016-002
    PI: Wang CH; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  20. 三軍總醫院人工智慧特色研究計畫–個人化預測模型於醫療人工智慧上之應用
    The Development of artificial intelligence in Tri-Service General Hospital: The application of personal predict model in medical artificial intelligence.
    Tri-Service General Hospital
    Jan, 2021 - Dec, 2021, NT$ 2,500,000, TSGH-B-110009
    PI: Wang CH; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  21. 心臟生理年齡對於健檢世代發生心血管疾病的相關性
    The association between cardiac age and cardiovascular events in health examination cohort.
    Cheng Hsin General Hospital
    Jan, 2021 - Dec, 2021, NT$ 365,000, CHNDMC-110-15
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lee YT

  22. 使用氣味感測小鼠結合人工智慧分析技術打造主動式反生物戰劑偵測器(1/3)
    An active biological weapon detector based on odor sensing mice combined with artificial intelligence(1/3)
    Medical Affairs Bureau
    Jan, 2021 - Dec, 2021, NT$ 475,000, MND-MAB-110-113
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Chen CF

  23. 投影詞嵌入模型在入院病摘書寫人工智能輔助系統之應用
    The Application of Projection Word Embeddings on the Admission Note Writing Assistant System.
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Aug, 2020 - Jul, 2021, NT$ 1,120,000, MOST109-2314-B-016-021
    PI: Fang WH; Co-PI: Lin C

  24. 以無監督學習強化心電圖人工智慧模型偵測罕見心肺急症之風險
    Apply unsupervised learning to enhance artificial intelligence of electrocardiogram for detecting potential cardiopulmonary injuries.
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Aug, 2020 - Jul, 2021, NT$ 1,000,000, MOST109-2314-B-016-026
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lin CS, Fang WH

  25. 多巴胺神經傳導訊息在人工智慧治療巴金森氏症之運用利用MitoPark小鼠模式解構生物訊號
    The role of dopamine neurotransmission in Artificial Intelligence treatment of Parkinson's disease by using MitoPark mice for signal decoding.
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Aug, 2020 - Jul, 2022, NT$ 2,247,400, MOST109-2314-B-016-019-MY2
    PI: Chen YH; Co-PI: Lin C, Huang YK

  26. 以投影詞嵌入模型發展入院病摘書寫品質評估人工智慧系統
    Artificial Intelligence based Discharge Note Classification Model Efficacy study.
    National Science and Technology Development Fund Management Association, Taiwan
    May, 2020 - Apr, 2021, NT$ 1,175,000, MOST109-3111-Y-016-002
    PI: Lin C

  27. 三軍總醫院人工智慧特色研究計畫
    The Development of artificial intelligence in Tri-Service General Hospital.
    Tri-Service General Hospital
    Jan, 2020 - Dec, 2020, NT$ 2,500,000, TSGH-B-109011
    PI: Tsai CS; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  28. 投影詞嵌入模型對出院病歷摘要編碼系統準確度影響
    The effect of projection word embeddings on performance of automatic discharge note coding system.
    Cheng Hsin General Hospital
    Jan, 2020 - Dec, 2020, NT$ 500,000, CHNDMC-109-19
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lee YT

  29. 詞嵌入模型對自動出院病歷摘要編碼系統準確度之影響
    The effect of word embeddings on performance of automatic discharge note coding system.
    Taoyuan Armed Forces General Hospital
    Jan, 2020 - Dec, 2020, NT$ 350,000, TYAFGH-D-109043
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Wu FR

  30. 臺北醫學大學醫療體系巨量影像資料庫建立與應用(3/3)
    Establishment and Application of Big Image Database in Taipei Medical University (3/3).
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Dec, 2019 - Nov, 2020, NT$ 29,000,000, MOST108-3011-F-038-001
    PI: Chen CY; Co-PI: Lin C et al.

  31. 即時心電訊號分析創新生態系統核心演算法開發研究
    The Core Algorithm Research in Real Time Electro Cardiac Signals Analysis Innovation Ecosystem.
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Aug, 2019 - Jul, 2020, NT$ 1,000,000, MOST108-2314-B-016-001
    PI: Lin C; Co-PI: Lin CS, Fang WH

  32. 基於人工智慧技術之出院病歷摘要分類模型效能提升研究
    Artificial Intelligence based Discharge Note Classification Model Efficacy study.
    National Science and Technology Development Fund Management Association, Taiwan
    May, 2019 - Apr, 2020, NT$ 1,098,000, MOST108-3111-Y-016-009
    PI: Lin C

  33. 臺北醫學大學醫療體系巨量影像資料庫建立與應用(2/3)
    Establishment and Application of Big Image Database in Taipei Medical University (2/3).
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    Dec, 2018 - Nov, 2019, NT$ 28,655,000, MOST107-2634-F-038-001
    PI: Chen CY; Co-PI: Lin C et al.