– 與之前所有任務相同,這個任務的資料下載是需要經過申請的,請你找助教申請帳號。
train_dat <- fread('train.csv', data.table = FALSE)
test_dat <- fread('test.csv', data.table = FALSE)
submit_dat <- fread('sample_submission.csv', data.table = FALSE)
Show_img <- function (img, plot_xlim = c(0.04, 0.96), plot_ylim = c(0.96, 0.04)) {
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(NA, xlim = plot_xlim, ylim = plot_ylim, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
img = (img - min(img))/(max(img) - min(img))
img = as.raster(img)
rasterImage(img, 0, 1, 1, 0, interpolate=FALSE)
img_path <- paste0('image/', train_dat[1,'UID'], '.jpeg')
img <- readImage(img_path)
image_dir <- 'image/'
processed_dir <- 'processed/'
img_paths <- list.files(image_dir)
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(img_paths), style = 3)
for (i in 1:length(img_paths)) {
current_img_path <- paste0(image_dir, img_paths[i])
current_prc_path <- paste0(processed_dir, gsub('\\.jpeg$', '.RData', img_paths[i]))
img <- readImage(current_img_path)
target_size <- c(256, 256)
targer_fold <- dim(img)[1] / dim(img)[2]
if (targer_fold > 1) {target_size[1] <- target_size[1] * targer_fold} else {target_size[2] <- target_size[2] / targer_fold}
resize_img <- resizeImage(img, width = target_size[1], height = target_size[2], method = 'bilinear')
save(resize_img, file = current_prc_path)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
– 這個範例使用「resnet-50」進行,這是一個50層深的ResNet,非常標準的深度神經網路。我們要建構一個新的神經網路將最後一層的FC從分1000類轉變成分2類:
res_model <- mx.model.load(prefix = "resnet-50", iteration = 0)
all_layers <- res_model$symbol$get.internals()
flatten0_output <- which(all_layers$outputs == 'flatten0_output') %>% all_layers$get.output()
fc1 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = flatten0_output, num_hidden = 2, name = 'fc1')
softmax <- mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data = fc1, name = 'softmax')
processed_dir <- 'processed/'
train_y_array <- model.matrix(~ -1 + factor(train_dat[,'LVD'])) %>% t()
train_img_array <- array(0, dim = c(256, 256, 3, nrow(train_dat)))
for (i in 1:nrow(train_dat)) {
if (i == 1) {t0 <- Sys.time()}
current_prc_path <- paste0(processed_dir, train_dat[i, 'UID'], '.RData')
row_select <- floor((dim(resize_img)[1] - 256) / 2) + 1:256
col_select <- floor((dim(resize_img)[2] - 256) / 2) + 1:256
train_img_array[,,,i] <- resize_img[row_select,col_select,]
if (i %% 100 == 0) {
batch_time <- as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = "secs"))
batch_speed <- i / batch_time
estimated_mins <- (nrow(train_dat) - i) / batch_speed / 60
message(i, "/", nrow(train_dat), ": Speed: ", formatC(batch_speed, 2, format = "f"),
" samples/sec | Remaining time: ", formatC(estimated_mins, 1, format = "f"), " mins")
new_arg <- mxnet:::mx.model.init.params(symbol = softmax,
input.shape = list(data = c(224, 224, 3, 32)),
output.shape = NULL,
initializer = mxnet:::mx.init.uniform(0.01),
ctx = mx.cpu())
for (i in 1:length(new_arg$arg.params)) {
pos <- which(names(res_model$arg.params) == names(new_arg$arg.params)[i])
if (length(pos) == 1) {
if (all.equal(dim(res_model$arg.params[[pos]]), dim(new_arg$arg.params[[i]])) == TRUE) {
new_arg$arg.params[[i]] <- res_model$arg.params[[pos]]
for (i in 1:length(new_arg$aux.params)) {
pos <- which(names(res_model$aux.params) == names(new_arg$aux.params)[i])
if (length(pos) == 1) {
if (all.equal(dim(res_model$aux.params[[pos]]), dim(new_arg$aux.params[[i]])) == TRUE) {
new_arg$aux.params[[i]] <- res_model$aux.params[[pos]]
my.eval.metric.mlogloss <- mx.metric.custom(
name = "m-logloss",
function(real, pred) {
real1 = as.numeric(as.array(real))
pred1 = as.numeric(as.array(pred))
pred1[pred1 <= 1e-6] = 1e-6
pred1[pred1 >= 1 - 1e-6] = 1 - 1e-6
return(-mean(real1 * log(pred1), na.rm = TRUE))
my_model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(symbol = softmax,
X = train_img_array, y = train_y_array,
optimizer = "sgd", learning.rate = 0.001, momentum = 0.9,
array.batch.size = 16, num.round = 20,
arg.params = new_arg$arg.params, aux.params = new_arg$aux.params,
ctx = mx.gpu(1),
eval.metric = my.eval.metric.mlogloss)
processed_dir <- 'processed/'
test_img_array <- array(0, dim = c(256, 256, 3, nrow(test_dat)))
for (i in 1:nrow(test_dat)) {
if (i == 1) {t0 <- Sys.time()}
current_prc_path <- paste0(processed_dir, test_dat[i, 'UID'], '.RData')
row_select <- floor((dim(resize_img)[1] - 256) / 2) + 1:256
col_select <- floor((dim(resize_img)[2] - 256) / 2) + 1:256
test_img_array[,,,i] <- resize_img[row_select,col_select,]
if (i %% 100 == 0) {
batch_time <- as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = "secs"))
batch_speed <- i / batch_time
estimated_mins <- (nrow(test_dat) - i) / batch_speed / 60
message(i, "/", nrow(test_dat), ": Speed: ", formatC(batch_speed, 2, format = "f"),
" samples/sec | Remaining time: ", formatC(estimated_mins, 1, format = "f"), " mins")
pred_test <- predict(model = my_model, X = test_img_array, ctx = mx.gpu(1))
submit_dat[,'p_LVD'] <- pred_test[2,]
fwrite(submit_dat, file = 'my_submission.csv', na = '', row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
呈上,如果切割一個驗證組會讓我們的樣本變的很少,我們可能會想要用5-fold cross-validation來幫助我們
– 先讓我們將原始樣本分成5個組別:
train_dat[,'fold'] <- sample(1:5, size = nrow(train_dat), replace = TRUE)
cxr_process_core <- function(img_paths, img_crop = 224, VALID_CROP = NULL,
col_flip = TRUE, add_sd = 0.05, mul_sd = 0.1, pow_sd = 0.1) {
batch_IMG_LIST <- list()
for (i in 1:length(img_paths)) {
row_df <- dim(resize_img)[1] - img_crop
col_df <- dim(resize_img)[2] - img_crop
if (is.null(VALID_CROP)) {
random.row <- sample(0:row_df, 1)
random.col <- sample(0:col_df, 1)
batch_IMG_LIST[[i]] <- resize_img[random.row+1:img_crop,random.col+1:img_crop,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
if (VALID_CROP %in% 1:10) {
if (VALID_CROP %in% c(1, 3, 6, 8)) {
fixed.row <- 0
} else if (VALID_CROP %in% c(2, 4, 7, 9)) {
fixed.row <- row_df
} else if (VALID_CROP %in% c(5, 10)) {
fixed.row <- floor(row_df / 2)
if (VALID_CROP %in% c(1, 2, 6, 7)) {
fixed.col <- 0
} else if (VALID_CROP %in% c(3, 4, 8, 9)) {
fixed.col <- col_df
} else if (VALID_CROP %in% c(5, 10)) {
fixed.col <- floor(col_df / 2)
if (VALID_CROP %in% c(1:5)) {
fixed.flip <- FALSE
} else {
fixed.flip <- TRUE
batch_IMG_LIST[[i]] <- resize_img[fixed.row+1:img_crop,fixed.col+1:img_crop,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
stop('VALID_CROP should be ranged 1 to 10!')
batch_img_array <- abind(batch_IMG_LIST, along = 4)
if (!is.null(VALID_CROP)) {
if (fixed.flip) {
batch_img_array <- batch_img_array[,dim(batch_img_array)[2]:1,,,drop = FALSE]
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.array(batch_img_array)
} else {
if (col_flip) {
if (sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)) {
batch_img_array <- batch_img_array[,dim(batch_img_array)[2]:1,,,drop = FALSE]
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.array(batch_img_array)
if (add_sd != 0) {
add_item <- mx.nd.array(array(runif(length(img_paths) * 1, min = -add_sd, max = add_sd), dim = c(1, 1, 1, length(img_paths))))
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.broadcast.add(batch_img_array, add_item)
if (mul_sd != 0) {
mul_item <- mx.nd.array(array(exp(runif(length(img_paths) * 1, min = -mul_sd, max = mul_sd)), dim = c(1, 1, 1, length(img_paths))))
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.broadcast.mul(batch_img_array, mul_item)
if (pow_sd != 0) {
pow_item <- mx.nd.array(array(exp(runif(length(img_paths) * 1, min = -pow_sd, max = pow_sd)), dim = c(1, 1, 1, length(img_paths))))
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.broadcast.power(batch_img_array, pow_item)
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.broadcast.maximum(batch_img_array, mx.nd.array(array(0, dim = c(1, 1, 1, 1))))
batch_img_array <- mx.nd.broadcast.minimum(batch_img_array, mx.nd.array(array(1, dim = c(1, 1, 1, 1))))
res_model <- mx.model.load(prefix = "resnet-50", iteration = 0)
all_layers <- res_model$symbol$get.internals()
flatten0_output <- which(all_layers$outputs == 'flatten0_output') %>% all_layers$get.output()
fc1 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = flatten0_output, num_hidden = 1, name = 'fc1')
logistic_pred <- mx.symbol.sigmoid(data = fc1, name = 'logistic_pred')
label_sym <- mx.symbol.Variable('label')
eps <- 1e-8
ce_loss_pos <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(logistic_pred + eps), label_sym)
ce_loss_neg <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(1 - logistic_pred + eps), 1 - label_sym)
ce_loss_mean <- 0 - mx.symbol.mean(ce_loss_pos + ce_loss_neg)
loss_symbol <- mx.symbol.MakeLoss(ce_loss_mean, name = 'ce_loss')
processed_dir <- 'processed/'
batch_size <- 32
valid_type <- 1:10
# executor
my_executor <- mx.simple.bind(symbol = loss_symbol,
data = c(224, 224, 3, batch_size), label = c(1, batch_size),
ctx = mx.gpu(1), grad.req = "write")
pred_executor <- mx.simple.bind(symbol = logistic_pred,
data = c(224, 224, 3, batch_size),
ctx = mx.gpu(1))
for (fold in 1:5) {
if (!dir.exists(paste0('model/fold', fold, '/'))) {dir.create(paste0('model/fold', fold, '/'), recursive = TRUE)}
# Subsets
train_subdat <- train_dat[train_dat[,'fold'] != fold,]
valid_subdat <- train_dat[train_dat[,'fold'] == fold,]
# Initailize
new_arg <- mxnet:::mx.model.init.params(symbol = loss_symbol,
input.shape = list(data = c(224, 224, 3, batch_size), label = c(1, batch_size)),
output.shape = NULL,
initializer = mxnet:::mx.init.uniform(0.01),
ctx = mx.cpu())
for (i in 1:length(new_arg$arg.params)) {
pos <- which(names(res_model$arg.params) == names(new_arg$arg.params)[i])
if (length(pos) == 1) {
if (all.equal(dim(res_model$arg.params[[pos]]), dim(new_arg$arg.params[[i]])) == TRUE) {
new_arg$arg.params[[i]] <- res_model$arg.params[[pos]]
for (i in 1:length(new_arg$aux.params)) {
pos <- which(names(res_model$aux.params) == names(new_arg$aux.params)[i])
if (length(pos) == 1) {
if (all.equal(dim(res_model$aux.params[[pos]]), dim(new_arg$aux.params[[i]])) == TRUE) {
new_arg$aux.params[[i]] <- res_model$aux.params[[pos]]
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(my_executor, new_arg$arg.params, match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(my_executor, new_arg$aux.params, match.name = TRUE)
# Multi-LR strategy
current_epoch <- 0L
train_loss <- NULL
valid_auc <- NULL
t0 <- Sys.time()
for (lr in c(1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5)) {
my_optimizer <- mx.opt.create(name = "adam", learning.rate = lr, beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-08, wd = 1e-3)
my_updater <- mx.opt.get.updater(optimizer = my_optimizer, weights = my_executor$ref.arg.arrays)
# Training
for (sub_epoch in 1:50) {
current_epoch <- current_epoch + 1L
batch_loss <- NULL
for (batch in 1:50) {
positive_id <- sample(which(train_subdat[,'LVD'] == 1), size = batch_size / 2)
negative_id <- sample(which(train_subdat[,'LVD'] == 0), size = batch_size / 2)
used_img_paths <- paste0(processed_dir, train_subdat[c(positive_id, negative_id),'UID'], '.RData')
current_data <- cxr_process_core(img_paths = used_img_paths)
current_label <- mx.nd.array(array(rep(1:0, each = batch_size / 2), dim = c(1, batch_size)))
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(my_executor, arg.arrays = list(data = current_data, label = current_label), match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.forward(my_executor, is.train = TRUE)
update_args <- my_updater(weight = my_executor$ref.arg.arrays, grad = my_executor$ref.grad.arrays)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(my_executor, update_args, skip.null = TRUE)
batch_loss <- c(batch_loss, as.array(my_executor$ref.outputs$ce_loss_output))
# Overall
epoch_time <- as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = "mins"))
epoch_speed <- epoch_time / current_epoch
train_loss <- c(train_loss, mean(batch_loss))
message("Fold [", fold, "] lr = ", lr, "] Epoch [", current_epoch, "] Speed: ", formatC(epoch_speed, 2, format = "f"),
" min/epoch loss = ", formatC(mean(batch_loss), format = "f", 4))
# Save model
pred_model <- mxnet:::mx.model.extract.model(symbol = logistic_pred, train.execs = list(my_executor))
mx.model.save(model = pred_model, prefix = paste0('model/fold', fold, '/CXR2LVD'), iteration = current_epoch)
# Validation process
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pred_executor, pred_model$arg.params, match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(pred_executor, pred_model$aux.params, match.name = TRUE)
current_n_batch <- ceiling(nrow(valid_subdat) / batch_size)
for (k in 1:current_n_batch) {
sample_idx <- 1:batch_size + (k - 1) * batch_size
sample_idx[sample_idx > nrow(valid_subdat)] <- nrow(valid_subdat)
used_img_paths <- paste0(processed_dir, valid_subdat[sample_idx,'UID'], '.RData')
for (l in 1:length(valid_type)) {
BATCH_CXR_ARRAY <- cxr_process_core(img_paths = used_img_paths, VALID_CROP = valid_type[l],
col_flip = FALSE, add_sd = 0, mul_sd = 0, pow_sd = 0)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pred_executor, arg.arrays = list(data = BATCH_CXR_ARRAY), match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.forward(pred_executor, is.train = FALSE)
current_pred <- as.array(pred_executor[['ref.outputs']][[1]])
valid_subdat[sample_idx,paste0('pred.', l)] <- current_pred %>% as.numeric()
valid_subdat[,'final_pred'] <- apply(valid_subdat[,paste0('pred.', 1:length(valid_type))], 1, mean)
roc_valid <- roc(LVD ~ final_pred, data = valid_subdat)
valid_auc <- c(valid_auc, roc_valid[['auc']])
message("valid-auc = ", formatC(roc_valid[['auc']], format = "f", 4))
save(train_loss, valid_auc, file = paste0('model/fold', fold, '/logger.RData'))
if (which.max(valid_auc) < current_epoch) {break}
pred_executor <- mx.simple.bind(symbol = logistic_pred,
data = c(224, 224, 3, batch_size),
ctx = mx.gpu(1))
for (fold in 1:5) {
# Subsets
train_subdat <- train_dat[train_dat[,'fold'] != fold,]
valid_subdat <- train_dat[train_dat[,'fold'] == fold,]
# Load logger
load(paste0('model/fold', fold, '/logger.RData'))
best_iter <- which.max(valid_auc)
pred_model <- mx.model.load(prefix = paste0('model/fold', fold, '/CXR2LVD'), iteration = best_iter)
# Validation process
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pred_executor, pred_model$arg.params, match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(pred_executor, pred_model$aux.params, match.name = TRUE)
current_n_batch <- ceiling(nrow(valid_subdat) / batch_size)
for (k in 1:current_n_batch) {
sample_idx <- 1:batch_size + (k - 1) * batch_size
sample_idx[sample_idx > nrow(valid_subdat)] <- nrow(valid_subdat)
used_img_paths <- paste0(processed_dir, valid_subdat[sample_idx,'UID'], '.RData')
for (l in 1:length(valid_type)) {
BATCH_CXR_ARRAY <- cxr_process_core(img_paths = used_img_paths, VALID_CROP = valid_type[l],
col_flip = FALSE, add_sd = 0, mul_sd = 0, pow_sd = 0)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pred_executor, arg.arrays = list(data = BATCH_CXR_ARRAY), match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.forward(pred_executor, is.train = FALSE)
current_pred <- as.array(pred_executor[['ref.outputs']][[1]])
valid_subdat[sample_idx,paste0('pred.', l)] <- current_pred %>% as.numeric()
valid_subdat[,'final_pred'] <- apply(valid_subdat[,paste0('pred.', 1:length(valid_type))], 1, mean)
# Standardized
valid_subdat[,'final_pred'] <- log(valid_subdat[,'final_pred'] / (1 - valid_subdat[,'final_pred']))
valid_subdat[valid_subdat[,'final_pred'] < -10,'final_pred'] <- -10
valid_subdat[valid_subdat[,'final_pred'] > 10,'final_pred'] <- 10
roc_valid <- roc(LVD ~ final_pred, data = valid_subdat)
best_pos <- which.max(roc_valid$sensitivities + roc_valid$specificities)
offset_coef <- roc_valid$thresholds[best_pos]
zoom_coef <- sd(valid_subdat[,'final_pred'], na.rm = TRUE)
save(best_iter, offset_coef, zoom_coef, file = paste0('model/fold', fold, '/key_index.RData'))
for (fold in 1:5) {
# Load key_index
load(paste0('model/fold', fold, '/key_index.RData'))
pred_model <- mx.model.load(prefix = paste0('model/fold', fold, '/CXR2LVD'), iteration = best_iter)
# Validation process
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pred_executor, pred_model$arg.params, match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(pred_executor, pred_model$aux.params, match.name = TRUE)
current_n_batch <- ceiling(nrow(test_dat) / batch_size)
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = current_n_batch, style = 3)
for (k in 1:current_n_batch) {
sample_idx <- 1:batch_size + (k - 1) * batch_size
sample_idx[sample_idx > nrow(test_dat)] <- nrow(test_dat)
used_img_paths <- paste0(processed_dir, test_dat[sample_idx,'UID'], '.RData')
for (l in 1:length(valid_type)) {
BATCH_CXR_ARRAY <- cxr_process_core(img_paths = used_img_paths, VALID_CROP = valid_type[l],
col_flip = FALSE, add_sd = 0, mul_sd = 0, pow_sd = 0)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pred_executor, arg.arrays = list(data = BATCH_CXR_ARRAY), match.name = TRUE)
mx.exec.forward(pred_executor, is.train = FALSE)
current_pred <- as.array(pred_executor[['ref.outputs']][[1]])
test_dat[sample_idx,paste0('pred.', l)] <- current_pred %>% as.numeric()
setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
test_dat[,'final_pred'] <- apply(test_dat[,paste0('pred.', 1:length(valid_type))], 1, mean)
# Standardized
test_dat[,'final_pred'] <- log(test_dat[,'final_pred'] / (1 - test_dat[,'final_pred']))
test_dat[test_dat[,'final_pred'] < -10,'final_pred'] <- -10
test_dat[test_dat[,'final_pred'] > 10,'final_pred'] <- 10
# Build fold-specific prediction
test_dat[,paste0('fold', fold)] <- (test_dat[,'final_pred'] - offset_coef) / zoom_coef
submit_dat[,'p_LVD'] <- apply(test_dat[,paste0('fold', 1:5)], 1, mean)
fwrite(submit_dat, file = 'my_submission.csv', na = '', row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)