
林嶔 (Lin, Chin)

Lesson 15 循環神經網絡介紹與注意力機制的應用


– 我們之前分析時是採用卷積神經網路,而卷積核在每次掃描時是獨立運行的,我們上節課的最後已經提到了需要一種帶有「記憶結構」的「類卷積核」,而今天我們主要就先從這裡開始。


\[ \begin{align} q_{t-1} & = h_{t-2} || x_{t-1} \\ p_{t-1} & = L(q_{t-1}, W) \\ h_{t-1} & = \tanh(p_{t-1}) \\ q_{t} & = h_{t-1} || x_{t} \\ p_{t} & = L(q_{t}, W) \\ h_{t} & = \tanh(p_{t}) \\ & \dots \end{align} \]


– 因此我們會面臨長期訊息損失的問題,假定\(h_1\)是由100%的\(x_1\)組成,而\(h_2\)是由50%的\(x_2\)和50%的\(h_1\)組成,之後就以這個比例,那隨著距離越走遠,\(x_1\)所佔整體的比例就會慢慢下滑。




\[ \begin{align} q_{t} & = h_{t-1} || x_{t} \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} l_t^1& = L(q_{t}, W^1) \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} a_t^1 & = \sigma(l_t^1) \\ \tilde{c_t} & = c_{t-1} \otimes a_t^1 \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} l_t^2& = L(q_{t}, W^2) \\ a_t^2 & = \sigma(l_t^2) \\ l_t^3& = L(q_{t}, W^3) \\ a_t^3 & = \tanh(l_t^3) \\ s & = a_t^2 \otimes a_t^3 \\ c_{t} & = \tilde{c_t} + s \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} l_t^4& = L(q_{t}, W^4) \\ a_t^4 & = \sigma(l_t^4) \\ o & = \tanh (c_{t}) \\ h_{t} & = o \otimes a_t^4 \end{align} \]



lstm.cell <- function(num.hidden, hiddendata, prev.state = NULL, param, seqidx, layeridx, first = FALSE, dropout = 0) {
  if (dropout > 0) {hiddendata <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = hiddendata, p = dropout)}
  i2h <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = hiddendata, weight = param$i2h.weight, bias = param$i2h.bias, num.hidden = num.hidden * 4, name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".i2h"))
  if (first) {
    gates <- i2h
  } else {
    h2h <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = prev.state$h, weight = param$h2h.weight, bias = param$h2h.bias, num.hidden = num.hidden * 4, name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".h2h"))
    gates <- i2h + h2h
  slice.gates <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(gates, num.outputs = 4, name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".slice"))
  in.gate <- mx.symbol.Activation(slice.gates[[1]], act.type = "sigmoid", name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".in.gate"))
  in.transform <- mx.symbol.Activation(slice.gates[[2]], act.type = "tanh", name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".in.transform"))
  forget.gate <- mx.symbol.Activation(slice.gates[[3]], act.type = "sigmoid", name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".forget.gate"))
  out.gate <- mx.symbol.Activation(slice.gates[[4]], act.type = "sigmoid", name = paste0("t", seqidx, ".l", layeridx, ".out.gate"))
  if (first) {
    next.c <- (in.gate * in.transform)
  } else {
    next.c <- (forget.gate * prev.state$c) + (in.gate * in.transform)
  next.h <- out.gate * mx.symbol.Activation(next.c, act.type="tanh")
  return (list(c=next.c, h=next.h))


– 除此之外,我們還為它加上了正向/雙向的循環結構選項:


lstm.layer <- function (indata, num.hidden, seq.len, layeridx = 1, dropout = 0, inverse = TRUE) {
  wordvec <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = indata, num_outputs = seq.len, axis = 2)
  Cis.param.cells <- list(i2h.weight = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Cis.l", layeridx, ".i2h.weight")),
                          i2h.bias = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Cis.l", layeridx, ".i2h.bias")),
                          h2h.weight = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Cis.l", layeridx, ".h2h.weight")),
                          h2h.bias = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Cis.l", layeridx, ".h2h.bias")))
  Trans.param.cells <- list(i2h.weight = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Trans.l", layeridx, ".i2h.weight")),
                            i2h.bias = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Trans.l", layeridx, ".i2h.bias")),
                            h2h.weight = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Trans.l", layeridx, ".h2h.weight")),
                            h2h.bias = mx.symbol.Variable(paste0("Trans.l", layeridx, ".h2h.bias")))
  last.hidden_1 <- list()
  for (seqidx in 1:seq.len) {
    hidden <- wordvec[[seqidx]]
    if (seqidx == 1) {
      next.state <- lstm.cell(num.hidden = num.hidden, hiddendata = hidden, first = TRUE, param = Cis.param.cells, seqidx = seqidx, layeridx = layeridx, dropout = dropout)
    } else {
      next.state <- lstm.cell(num.hidden = num.hidden, hiddendata = hidden, prev.state = last.states, param = Cis.param.cells, seqidx = seqidx, layeridx = layeridx, dropout = dropout)
    hidden <- next.state$h
    last.states <- next.state
    if (dropout > 0) {hidden <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = hidden, p = dropout)}
    last.hidden_1 <- c(last.hidden_1, mx.symbol.reshape(data = hidden, shape = c(1, 1, num.hidden, -1)))
  concat_full_1 <- mx.symbol.concat(last.hidden_1, num.args = seq.len, dim = 2, name = paste0("Cis.l", layeridx, ".concat"))

  if (inverse) {
    last.hidden_2 <- list()
    for (seqidx in seq.len+1:seq.len) {
      hidden <- wordvec[[seq.len*2 - seqidx + 1]]
      if (seqidx == (seq.len+1)) {
        next.state <- lstm.cell(num.hidden = num.hidden, hiddendata = hidden, first = TRUE, param = Trans.param.cells, seqidx = seqidx, layeridx = layeridx, dropout = dropout)
      } else {
        next.state <- lstm.cell(num.hidden = num.hidden, hiddendata = hidden, prev.state = last.states, param = Trans.param.cells, seqidx = seqidx, layeridx = layeridx, dropout = dropout)
      hidden <- next.state$h
      last.states <- next.state
      if (dropout > 0) {hidden <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = hidden, p = dropout)}
      last.hidden_2 <- c(last.hidden_2, mx.symbol.reshape(data = hidden, shape = c(1, 1, num.hidden, -1)))
    concat_full_2 <- mx.symbol.concat(last.hidden_2, num.args = seq.len, dim = 2, name = paste0("Trans.l", layeridx, ".concat"))
    concat_full_3 <- list(concat_full_1, concat_full_2)
    concat_full <- mx.symbol.concat(concat_full_3, num.args = 2, dim = 1, name = paste0("l", layeridx, ".concat"))
  } else {
    concat_full_3 <- list(concat_full_1)
    concat_full <- mx.symbol.concat(concat_full_3, num.args = 1, dim = 1, name = paste0("l", layeridx, ".concat"))


– 為了避免運算時間過長,我們僅使用總字數小於200以內的病歷進行實驗:



word.data <- fread('data/wiki.txt', header = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE)

words.ref <- word.data %>% select(V1) %>% setDF %>% .[,1] %>% as.character
words.ref <- c("", words.ref)
words.index <- 1:length(words.ref)
names(words.index) <- words.ref

words.matrix <- word.data %>% select(-V1) %>% setDF %>% as.matrix
words.matrix <- rbind(rep(0, 50), words.matrix)

max.length <- 200

seq_array <- array(0, dim = c(max.length, length(Processed_Notes)))
short_pos <- which(sapply(Processed_Notes, length) <= max.length)

pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(short_pos), style = 3)

for (i in 1:length(short_pos)) {
  words_pos <- words.index[Processed_Notes[[short_pos[i]]]]
  words_pos[is.na(words_pos)] <- 1
  seq_array[1:length(words_pos),i] <- words_pos - 1
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


Cancer_code <- Cancer_code[short_pos]

Train.seq_array <- seq_array[,1:3000]
Train.Y <- Cancer_code[1:3000]

Test.seq_array <- seq_array[,3001:length(short_pos)]
dim(Test.seq_array) <- c(max.length, 1, dim(Test.seq_array)[2])
Test.Y <- Cancer_code[3001:length(Cancer_code)]
my_iterator_core <- function (batch_size) {
  batch = 0
  batch_per_epoch = length(Train.Y)/batch_size
  reset = function() {batch <<- 0}
  iter.next = function() {
    batch <<- batch+1
    if (batch > batch_per_epoch) {return(FALSE)} else {return(TRUE)}
  value = function() {
    idx = 1:batch_size + (batch - 1) * batch_size
    idx[idx > length(Train.Y)] = sample(1:length(Train.Y), sum(idx > length(Train.Y)))
    data = mx.nd.array(array(Train.seq_array[,idx], dim = c(dim(Train.seq_array)[1], 1, batch_size)))
    label = mx.nd.array(array(Train.Y[idx], dim = c(1, batch_size)))
    return(list(data = data, label = label))
  return(list(reset = reset, iter.next = iter.next, value = value, batch_size = batch_size, batch = batch))

my_iterator_func <- setRefClass("Custom_Iter",
                                fields = c("iter", "batch_size"),
                                contains = "Rcpp_MXArrayDataIter",
                                methods = list(
                                  initialize = function(iter, batch_size = 100){
                                    .self$iter <- my_iterator_core(batch_size = batch_size)
                                  value = function(){
                                  iter.next = function(){
                                  reset = function(){

my_iter <- my_iterator_func(iter = NULL, batch_size = 20)


data <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = 'data')
label <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = 'label')

embed1 <- mx.symbol.Embedding(data = data, input.dim = length(words.ref), output.dim = 50, name = 'embed1')
lstm1 <- lstm.layer(indata = embed1, num.hidden = 50, seq.len = max.length, layeridx = 1, dropout = 0, inverse = TRUE)
pool1 <- mx.symbol.max(data = lstm1, axis = 2:3, keepdims = FALSE, name = 'pool1')

fc1 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = pool1, num.hidden = 1, name = 'fc1')
logistic_pred <- mx.symbol.sigmoid(data = fc1, name = 'logistic_pred')

eps <- 1e-8
ce_loss_pos <-  mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(logistic_pred + eps), label)
ce_loss_neg <-  mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(1 - logistic_pred + eps), 1 - label)
ce_loss_mean <- 0 - mx.symbol.mean(ce_loss_pos + ce_loss_neg)
ce_loss <- mx.symbol.MakeLoss(ce_loss_mean, name = 'ce_loss')
my_optimizer <- mx.opt.create(name = "sgd", learning.rate = 0.05, momentum = 0.9, wd = 1e-4)


new_arg <- mxnet:::mx.model.init.params(symbol = logistic_pred, 
                                        input.shape = list(data = c(max.length, 1, 20)), 
                                        output.shape = NULL,
                                        initializer = mxnet:::mx.init.Xavier(rnd_type = "uniform", magnitude = 2.24), 
                                        ctx = mx.gpu())

new_arg$arg.params$embed1_weight <- mx.nd.array(t(words.matrix))

my.eval.metric.loss <- mx.metric.custom(
  name = "cross-entropy",
  function(label, pred) {

my_model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(symbol = ce_loss, X = my_iter, optimizer = my_optimizer,
                                        array.batch.size = 20, ctx = mx.gpu(), num.round = 20,
                                        eval.metric = my.eval.metric.loss,
                                        arg.params = new_arg$arg.params, fixed.param = 'embed1_weight',
                                        batch.end.callback = mx.callback.log.speedometer(frequency = 50, batch.size = 20))
my_model$symbol <- logistic_pred
my_model$arg.params <- append(my_model$arg.params, new_arg$arg.params['embed1_weight'])
pred_y <- predict(my_model, Test.seq_array)

roc_result <- roc(Test.Y, pred_y)
plot(roc_result, col = "red", main = paste0('AUC = ', formatC(roc_result$auc, 3, format = 'f')))


– 如果你還沒訓練完模型,你可以從這裡下載lstm_v1-0000.params以及lstm_v1-symbol.json

– 接著,請你試著重現LSTM單元的推理過程:

my_model <- mx.model.load('model/lstm_v1', 0)

all_layers <- my_model$symbol$get.internals()
my_model$symbol <- which(all_layers$outputs == 'l1.concat_output') %>% all_layers$get.output()
my_model$arg.params <- my_model$arg.params[!grepl('fc1', names(my_model$arg.params))]

Input <- Test.seq_array[,,5]
dim(Input) <- c(200, 1, 1)
Output <- predict(my_model, Input)

– 我們只做單向的前5個字,請試著做出相對應的預測:

sub_Input <- Input[1:5,,]
sub_Output <- Output[,1:5,1:50,]


Embedding_Output <- as.array(my_model$arg.params$embed1_weight)[,sub_Input + 1]
i = 1

input_vec <- Embedding_Output[,i]
i2h <- input_vec %*% as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.i2h.weight) + as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.i2h.bias)
gates <- i2h

in.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[1:50]))
in.transform <- tanh(gates[51:100])
forget.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[101:150]))
out.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[151:200]))

next.c <- in.gate * in.transform
next.h <- out.gate * tanh(next.c)
##  [1]  0.086967833 -0.063449661  0.036880010  0.010068880 -0.149757446
##  [6] -0.045954626 -0.007239696 -0.029001972 -0.036172191  0.014461363
## [11] -0.143614092  0.104743384  0.077178065 -0.018109491 -0.053787901
## [16]  0.033238218  0.073090688  0.219209935 -0.139997959 -0.040038392
## [21] -0.080872811 -0.060081231 -0.020082376 -0.033003086  0.071313954
## [26] -0.264252035  0.035592710 -0.021121420 -0.132410585 -0.033140717
## [31] -0.024339752  0.218807462 -0.020077547 -0.001792587 -0.015403937
## [36]  0.019053839 -0.097208227 -0.121762368  0.021987457  0.049170363
## [41]  0.019188609 -0.017815512  0.076241088 -0.145931257 -0.092379922
## [46]  0.021569875 -0.020209405 -0.020605694  0.270575293  0.009769096
##  [1]  0.086967848 -0.063449658  0.036880013  0.010068879 -0.149757430
##  [6] -0.045954626 -0.007239695 -0.029001968 -0.036172193  0.014461363
## [11] -0.143614084  0.104743376  0.077178061 -0.018109491 -0.053787898
## [16]  0.033238214  0.073090687  0.219209924 -0.139997944 -0.040038396
## [21] -0.080872811 -0.060081221 -0.020082375 -0.033003084  0.071313955
## [26] -0.264252037  0.035592712 -0.021121416 -0.132410571 -0.033140719
## [31] -0.024339752  0.218807474 -0.020077543 -0.001792587 -0.015403938
## [36]  0.019053839 -0.097208224 -0.121762365  0.021987455  0.049170367
## [41]  0.019188609 -0.017815515  0.076241083 -0.145931259 -0.092379928
## [46]  0.021569878 -0.020209404 -0.020605695  0.270575315  0.009769096
i = 2

input_vec <- Embedding_Output[,i]
i2h <- input_vec %*% as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.i2h.weight) + as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.i2h.bias)
h2h <- next.h %*% as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.h2h.weight) + as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.h2h.bias)
gates <- i2h + h2h

in.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[,1:50]))
in.transform <- tanh(gates[,51:100])
forget.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[,101:150]))
out.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[,151:200]))

next.c <- forget.gate * next.c + in.gate * in.transform
next.h <- out.gate * tanh(next.c)
##  [1]  0.172714273 -0.134861879  0.084825992  0.026005947 -0.292853043
##  [6] -0.143597484 -0.054681028 -0.069802900 -0.134559245  0.001540124
## [11] -0.307148649  0.208848144  0.314672849 -0.058207505 -0.153540190
## [16]  0.075622727  0.163340499  0.578598825 -0.251814185 -0.086394009
## [21] -0.219408604 -0.151962526 -0.038312221 -0.078217000  0.185670722
## [26] -0.527193472  0.082940466 -0.087716673 -0.319968570 -0.094814267
## [31] -0.098546791  0.587162975 -0.057633908 -0.034965075 -0.033302097
## [36]  0.061189049 -0.235737058 -0.228580143  0.068899261  0.153120268
## [41]  0.044878595 -0.065051461  0.171124248 -0.306323643 -0.283827253
## [46]  0.047662889 -0.072233065 -0.035651133  0.658952325  0.038527077
##  [1]  0.172714263 -0.134861887  0.084825985  0.026005954 -0.292853057
##  [6] -0.143597454 -0.054681029 -0.069802895 -0.134559244  0.001540123
## [11] -0.307148635  0.208848119  0.314672858 -0.058207501 -0.153540149
## [16]  0.075622715  0.163340479  0.578598797 -0.251814187 -0.086393997
## [21] -0.219408602 -0.151962548 -0.038312223 -0.078216985  0.185670748
## [26] -0.527193427  0.082940474 -0.087716669 -0.319968581 -0.094814271
## [31] -0.098546803  0.587162912 -0.057633899 -0.034965076 -0.033302099
## [36]  0.061189052 -0.235737026 -0.228580177  0.068899252  0.153120279
## [41]  0.044878587 -0.065051466  0.171124265 -0.306323618 -0.283827186
## [46]  0.047662888 -0.072233059 -0.035651125  0.658952296  0.038527071


next.c <- 0
h_list <- list()

for (i in 1:5) {
  input_vec <- Embedding_Output[,i]
  i2h <- input_vec %*% as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.i2h.weight) + as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.i2h.bias)
  if (i != 1) {
    h2h <- next.h %*% as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.h2h.weight) + as.array(my_model$arg.params$Cis.l1.h2h.bias)
    gates <- i2h + h2h
  } else {
    gates <- i2h
  in.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[,1:50]))
  in.transform <- tanh(gates[,51:100])
  forget.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[,101:150]))
  out.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[,151:200]))
  next.c <- forget.gate * next.c + in.gate * in.transform
  next.h <- out.gate * tanh(next.c)
  h_list[[i]] <- next.h

my_Output <- do.call('rbind', h_list)

all.equal(my_Output, sub_Output)
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 6.695539e-08"



– 有興趣的同學可以參考先前的上課講義

– 不過熟悉LSTM以及後續的應用還是相當重要的,因為這是串接到Transformer的基礎架構。


– 因此比較好的想法就是要把整個句子的資訊都加在一起,但直接取平均似乎不是太好的方法。

– 至於位置資訊呢?其實並不是這麼重要,在不是特別離譜的狀況下你的大腦通常是能修正回來的:



– 舉例來說,我們的模型其實可以設計成這樣(下面是一個比較複雜的案例),他出自這篇經典的Paper:Feed-Forward Networks with Attention Can Solve Some Long-Term Memory Problems




– 其實有注意力機制的網路並不複雜,而下面是修正之後的Model architecture:

data <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = 'data')
label <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = 'label')

embed1 <- mx.symbol.Embedding(data = data, input.dim = length(words.ref), output.dim = 50, name = 'embed1')
lstm1 <- lstm.layer(indata = embed1, num.hidden = 50, seq.len = max.length, layeridx = 1, dropout = 0, inverse = TRUE)

conv1 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = lstm1, kernel = c(1, 1), num_filter = 30, name = 'conv1')
relu1 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data = conv1, act_type = "relu", name = 'relu1')
drop1 <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = relu1, p = 0.2, name = 'drop1')
conv2 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = drop1, kernel = c(1, 1), num_filter = 30, name = 'conv2')
relu2 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data = conv2, act_type = "relu", name = 'relu2')
drop2 <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = relu2, p = 0.2, name = 'drop1')
conv3 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = drop2, kernel = c(1, 1), num_filter = 1, name = 'conv3')
Attention_score <- mx.symbol.softmax(data = conv3, axis = 2, name = 'Attention_score')

weighted_lstm <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = lstm1, rhs = Attention_score, name = 'weighted_lstm')
pool1 <- mx.symbol.sum(data = weighted_lstm, axis = 2:3, keepdims = FALSE, name = 'pool1')

fc1 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = pool1, num.hidden = 1, name = 'fc1')
logistic_pred <- mx.symbol.sigmoid(data = fc1, name = 'logistic_pred')

eps <- 1e-8
ce_loss_pos <-  mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(logistic_pred + eps), label)
ce_loss_neg <-  mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(1 - logistic_pred + eps), 1 - label)
ce_loss_mean <- 0 - mx.symbol.mean(ce_loss_pos + ce_loss_neg)
ce_loss <- mx.symbol.MakeLoss(ce_loss_mean, name = 'ce_loss')
new_arg <- mxnet:::mx.model.init.params(symbol = logistic_pred, 
                                        input.shape = list(data = c(max.length, 1, 20)), 
                                        output.shape = NULL,
                                        initializer = mxnet:::mx.init.Xavier(rnd_type = "uniform", magnitude = 2.24), 
                                        ctx = mx.gpu())

new_arg$arg.params$embed1_weight <- mx.nd.array(t(words.matrix))

my.eval.metric.loss <- mx.metric.custom(
  name = "cross-entropy",
  function(label, pred) {

my_model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(symbol = ce_loss, X = my_iter, optimizer = my_optimizer,
                                        array.batch.size = 20, ctx = mx.gpu(), num.round = 20,
                                        eval.metric = my.eval.metric.loss,
                                        arg.params = new_arg$arg.params, fixed.param = 'embed1_weight',
                                        batch.end.callback = mx.callback.log.speedometer(frequency = 50, batch.size = 20))
my_model$symbol <- logistic_pred
my_model$arg.params <- append(my_model$arg.params, new_arg$arg.params['embed1_weight'])
mx.model.save(my_model, 'model/lstm_v2', 0)
pred_y <- predict(my_model, Test.seq_array)
roc_result <- roc(Test.Y, pred_y)
plot(roc_result, col = "red", main = paste0('AUC = ', formatC(roc_result$auc, 3, format = 'f')))



– 如果你還沒訓練完模型,你可以從這裡下載lstm_v2-0000.params以及lstm_v2-symbol.json

– 但在使用這個函數之前,我們需要先下載my_DIC.aff以及my_DIC.dic兩個字典檔案作為我們拼寫校正之用:


Sys.setenv(DICPATH = "data")

wrong2right <- function (text, spell.check = TRUE) {
  RECODE = tolower(text)
  RECODE = RECODE %>% gsub("\n", "<S><S><S><S><S>", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("\r", "<S><S><S><S><S>", ., fixed = TRUE)

  RECODE = RECODE %>% gsub("[ :,;-]", "<S>", .) %>% gsub("(", "<S>", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub(")", "<S>", ., fixed = TRUE)%>% gsub("/", "<S>", ., fixed = TRUE) 
  RECODE = strsplit(RECODE, split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  RECODE = paste(RECODE, collapse = "<S><S><S><S><S>")
  RECODE = gsub("(<S>){5, }", "<S><S><S><S><S>", RECODE)
  RECODE = gsub("(<S>)+$", "", RECODE)
  RECODE = strsplit(RECODE, split = "<S>", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

  pos1 = rep(NA, length(RECODE))
  pos2 = rep(NA, length(RECODE))
  start.pos = 1
  sub.text = text
  for (i in 1:length(RECODE)) {
    if (RECODE[i]!="") {
      result = regexpr(RECODE[i], tolower(sub.text))
      if (result[1] != -1) {
        pos1[i] = start.pos + result[1] - 1
        pos2[i] = start.pos + result[1] + attr(result, "match.length") - 2
        start.pos = pos2[i] + 1
        sub.text = substr(sub.text, result[1] + attr(result, "match.length"), nchar(sub.text))
  RECODE = RECODE %>% gsub("[^A-Z0-9a-z .:,;-]", "", .) 
  RECODE[!(!grepl("[^a-z]", RECODE)|!grepl("[^0-9]", RECODE))] = RECODE[!(!grepl("[^a-z]", RECODE)|!grepl("[^0-9]", RECODE))] %>% gsub("[0-9]", "", .)
  RECODE = RECODE %>% gsub("[0-9]", "", .)
  if (spell.check) {
    SPELL_check = which(!hunspell:::hunspell_check(RECODE, dict = hunspell:::dictionary("my_DIC", cache = FALSE)))
    if (length(SPELL_check) > 0) {
      hist.num.space = 0
      for (k in 1:length(SPELL_check)) {
        RECODE[SPELL_check[k]] = hunspell:::hunspell_suggest(RECODE[SPELL_check[k]], dict = hunspell:::dictionary("my_DIC", cache = FALSE))[[1]][1]
        if (grepl(" ", RECODE[SPELL_check[k]], fixed = TRUE)) {
          num.space = length(gregexpr(" ", RECODE[SPELL_check[k]], fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
          len.pos1 = length(pos1)
          pos1 = c(pos1[1:(SPELL_check[k]+hist.num.space)], rep(NA, num.space - 1), pos1[(SPELL_check[k]+hist.num.space):len.pos1])
          pos2 = c(pos2[1:(SPELL_check[k]+hist.num.space)], rep(NA, num.space - 1), pos2[(SPELL_check[k]+hist.num.space):len.pos1])
          pos1[SPELL_check[k]+hist.num.space+1:num.space] = NA
          pos2[SPELL_check[k]+hist.num.space+0:(num.space-1)] = NA
          hist.num.space = hist.num.space + num.space
    RECODE = RECODE %>% gsub(" ", "<S>", .)
    RECODE[nchar(RECODE) == 0] = "<A>"
    RECODE = strsplit(RECODE, split = "<S>", fixed = TRUE) %>% unlist
    RECODE[RECODE %in% "<A>"] <- ""
    RECODE = tolower(RECODE)
  return(list(new.text = RECODE, original.text = text, pos1 = pos1, pos2 = pos2))

– 採用的病歷一樣使用之前的例子:

  1. Adenocarcinoma of stomach with peritoneal carcinomatosis and massive ascite, stage IV under bidirection chemotherapy (neoadjuvant intraperitoneal-systemic chemotherapy) with intraperitoneal paclitaxel 120mg (20151126, 20151201) and systemic with Oxalip (20151127) and oral XELOX.

  2. Chronic kidney disease, stage V with pulmonary edema underwent emergent hemodialysis, status post arteriovenous graft creation with maintenance hemodialysis.


my_predict <- function (model, doc, ctx = mx.gpu()) {
  all_layers <- model$symbol$get.internals()
  Attention_score <- which(all_layers$outputs == 'Attention_score_output') %>% all_layers$get.output()
  logistic_pred <- which(all_layers$outputs == 'logistic_pred_output') %>% all_layers$get.output()
  out <- mx.symbol.Group(c(Attention_score, logistic_pred))
  executor <- mx.simple.bind(symbol = out, data = dim(doc), ctx = ctx)
  mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(executor, model$arg.params, match.name = TRUE)
  mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(executor, model$aux.params, match.name = TRUE)
  if (class(doc)!='MXNDArray') {doc <- mx.nd.array(doc)}
  mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(executor, list(data = doc), match.name = TRUE)
  mx.exec.forward(executor, is.train = FALSE)
  pred_list <- list()
  pred_list[[1]] <- as.array(executor$ref.outputs$Attention_score_output)
  pred_list[[2]] <- as.array(executor$ref.outputs$logistic_pred_output)
my_discharge_note <- 'Adenocarcinoma of stomach with peritoneal carcinomatosis and massive ascite, stage IV under bidirection chemotherapy (neoadjuvant intraperitoneal-systemic chemotherapy) with intraperitoneal paclitaxel 120mg (20151126, 20151201) and systemic with Oxalip (20151127) and oral XELOX.'

processed_discharge_note <- wrong2right(my_discharge_note)

raw_len <- length(processed_discharge_note$new.text)
discharge_note_seq <- rep(0, 200)
words_pos <- words.index[processed_discharge_note$new.text]
words_pos[is.na(words_pos)] <- 1
discharge_note_seq[1:raw_len] <- words_pos - 1
dim(discharge_note_seq) <- c(200, 1, 1)

pred_list <- my_predict(model = my_model, doc = discharge_note_seq)

rbind(round(pred_list[[1]][,1:raw_len,,], 3), processed_discharge_note$new.text)
##      [,1]             [,2] [,3]      [,4]   [,5]         [,6]         [,7] 
## [1,] "0.999"          "0"  "0"       "0"    "0"          "0.001"      "0"  
## [2,] "adenocarcinoma" "of" "stomach" "with" "peritoneal" "carcinomas" "and"
##      [,8]      [,9]    [,10] [,11]   [,12] [,13]   [,14] [,15]      
## [1,] "0"       "0"     "0"   "0"     "0"   "0"     "0"   "0"        
## [2,] "massive" "ascie" ""    "stage" "iv"  "under" "bi"  "direction"
##      [,16]          [,17] [,18] [,19]      [,20]             [,21]     
## [1,] "0"            "0"   "0"   "0"        "0"               "0"       
## [2,] "chemotherapy" ""    "neo" "adjuvant" "intraperitoneal" "systemic"
##      [,22]          [,23] [,24]  [,25]             [,26]        [,27] [,28]
## [1,] "0"            "0"   "0"    "0"               "0"          "0"   "0"  
## [2,] "chemotherapy" ""    "with" "intraperitoneal" "paclitaxel" "mg"  ""   
##      [,29] [,30] [,31] [,32] [,33] [,34]      [,35]  [,36]    [,37] [,38] [,39]
## [1,] "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"        "0"    "0"      "0"   "0"   "0"  
## [2,] ""    ""    ""    ""    "and" "systemic" "with" "oxalis" ""    ""    ""   
##      [,40] [,41]  [,42]  
## [1,] "0"   "0"    "0"    
## [2,] "and" "oral" "xerox"
my_discharge_note <- 'Chronic kidney disease, stage V with pulmonary edema underwent emergent hemodialysis, status post arteriovenous graft creation with maintenance hemodialysis.'

processed_discharge_note <- wrong2right(my_discharge_note)

raw_len <- length(processed_discharge_note$new.text)
discharge_note_seq <- rep(0, 200)
words_pos <- words.index[processed_discharge_note$new.text]
words_pos[is.na(words_pos)] <- 1
discharge_note_seq[1:raw_len] <- words_pos - 1
dim(discharge_note_seq) <- c(200, 1, 1)

pred_list <- my_predict(model = my_model, doc = discharge_note_seq)

rbind(round(pred_list[[1]][,1:raw_len,,], 3), processed_discharge_note$new.text)
##      [,1]      [,2]     [,3]      [,4] [,5]    [,6] [,7]   [,8]        [,9]   
## [1,] "0"       "0.625"  "0.365"   "0"  "0"     "0"  "0"    "0"         "0.001"
## [2,] "chronic" "kidney" "disease" ""   "stage" "v"  "with" "pulmonary" "edema"
##      [,10]       [,11]      [,12]          [,13] [,14]    [,15] 
## [1,] "0.007"     "0.001"    "0"            "0"   "0"      "0"   
## [2,] "underwent" "emergent" "hemodialysis" ""    "status" "post"
##      [,16]           [,17]   [,18]      [,19]  [,20]         [,21]         
## [1,] "0"             "0"     "0"        "0"    "0"           "0"           
## [2,] "arteriovenous" "graft" "creation" "with" "maintenance" "hemodialysis"

– 第二份病歷似乎連空字元都有0.2%的權重,並且具有最高權重的單字是underwent以及edema,這兩個很可能是反向字,思考一下模型的合理性。


Highlight_fun <- function (text.list, highlight.seq) {
  nrom_col_index <- round(highlight.seq / max(highlight.seq) * 99) + 1
  col_list <- rgb(seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), 0, 0)
  col_index <- col_list[nrom_col_index]
  if (text.list$pos1[1] > 1) {
    html_output <- substr(text.list$original.text, 1, text.list$pos1[1] - 1)
  } else {
    html_output <- ""
  last.end <- 0
  for (j in 1:length(highlight.seq)) {
    if (!is.na(text.list$pos1[j]) & !is.na(text.list$pos2[j]) & text.list$new.text[j] != "") {
      if (last.end != 0|text.list$pos1[j] > 1) {
        html_output <- paste0(html_output, substr(text.list$original.text, last.end + 1, text.list$pos1[j] - 1))
      html_output <- paste0(html_output, '<font color=\"', col_index[j], '\">', substr(text.list$original.text, text.list$pos1[j], text.list$pos2[j]), '</font>')
      last.end <- text.list$pos2[j]
  html_output <- paste0(html_output, substr(text.list$original.text, last.end + 1, nchar(text.list$original.text)))
html_output <- Highlight_fun(text.list = processed_discharge_note, highlight.seq = pred_list[[1]][,1:raw_len,,])

cat(html_output, file = 'test.html')

Adenocarcinoma of stomach with peritoneal carcinomatosis and massive ascite, stage IV under bidirection chemotherapy (neoadjuvant intraperitoneal-systemic chemotherapy) with intraperitoneal paclitaxel 120mg (20151126, 20151201) and systemic with Oxalip (20151127) and oral XELOX.

Chronic kidney disease, stage V with pulmonary edema underwent emergent hemodialysis, status post arteriovenous graft creation with maintenance hemodialysis.


– 在之前的任務中,我們是把輸入長度固定為某個數(以今天的例子是200),而不足的部分填入空白,這在Input的部分可能還行,那Output呢?因此我們需要新的結構來處理語言任務。


– 我們並不是不能針對卷積核套用同樣的結構,只是卷積核不使用記憶資訊的結果必然會產生一個循環狀態。


– 整個處理的過程有點複雜,總知我們要先將字母轉成編號:



least.nchar <- 200

make_data <- function(text_vec_list, least.nchar = 200) {
  # Preprocessing
  text_vec_list <- Discharge_Notes
  text_vec_list <- text_vec_list %>% stri_enc_toascii %>%
    str_replace_all(string = ., pattern = "[^[:print:]]", replacement = "") %>%
    tolower() %>%
    strsplit(., '')
  text_vec_list <- text_vec_list[sapply(text_vec_list, length) > least.nchar]
  text_vec_list <- lapply(text_vec_list, function (x) {c(x, "<end>")})
  # Build dictionary
  char_keep <- text_vec_list %>% unlist %>% unique %>% sort
  # main dictionary
  dic <- 1:length(char_keep)
  names(dic) <- char_keep
  # Coding seq
  text_vec_list <- lapply(text_vec_list, function (x) {dic[x]})
  return (list(text_vec_list = text_vec_list, dic = dic))

data_prep <- make_data(text_vec_list = Discharge_Notes, least.nchar = least.nchar)
text_vec_list <- data_prep$text_vec_list
dic <- data_prep$dic


my_iterator_core <- function (batch_size, seq.len = 200) {
  batch = 0
  batch_per_epoch = length(text_vec_list) / batch_size
  reset = function() {batch <<- 0}
  iter.next = function() {
    batch <<- batch+1
    if (batch > batch_per_epoch) {return(FALSE)} else {return(TRUE)}
  value = function() {
    idx = 1:batch_size + (batch - 1) * batch_size
    idx[idx > length(text_vec_list)] = sample(1:length(text_vec_list), sum(idx > length(text_vec_list)))
    x_array = array(0, dim = c(seq.len, 1, batch_size))
    y_array = array(0, dim = c(1, seq.len, length(dic), batch_size))
    for (i in 1:batch_size) {
      start_value <- sample(length(text_vec_list[[idx[i]]]) - seq.len, 1)
      x_array[,,i] <- text_vec_list[[idx[i]]][start_value:(start_value+seq.len-1)] - 1      #Important
      y_array[,,,i] <- model.matrix(~-1 + factor(text_vec_list[[idx[i]]][(start_value+1):(start_value+seq.len)], levels = 1:length(dic)))
    data = mx.nd.array(x_array)
    label = mx.nd.array(y_array)
    return(list(data = data, label = label))
  return(list(reset = reset, iter.next = iter.next, value = value, batch_size = batch_size, batch = batch))

my_iterator_func <- setRefClass("Custom_Iter",
                                fields = c("iter", "batch_size", "seq.len"),
                                contains = "Rcpp_MXArrayDataIter",
                                methods = list(
                                  initialize = function(iter, batch_size = 20, seq.len = 200){
                                    .self$iter <- my_iterator_core(batch_size = batch_size, seq.len = seq.len)
                                  value = function(){
                                  iter.next = function(){
                                  reset = function(){

my_iter <- my_iterator_func(iter = NULL, batch_size = 20, seq.len = least.nchar)
## [1] TRUE
my_value <- my_iter$value()
## [1] 200   1  20
## [1]   1 200  60  20


data <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = 'data')
label <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = 'label')

embed1 <- mx.symbol.Embedding(data = data, input.dim = length(dic), output.dim = 50, name = 'embed1')
lstm1 <- lstm.layer(indata = embed1, num.hidden = 100, seq.len = least.nchar, layeridx = 1, dropout = 0, inverse = FALSE)
lstm2 <- lstm.layer(indata = lstm1, num.hidden = 100, seq.len = least.nchar, layeridx = 2, dropout = 0, inverse = FALSE)
lstm3 <- lstm.layer(indata = lstm2, num.hidden = 100, seq.len = least.nchar, layeridx = 3, dropout = 0, inverse = FALSE)
linear_pred <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = lstm3, kernel = c(1, 1), num_filter = length(dic), name = 'linear_pred')
softmax_pred <- mx.symbol.softmax(data = linear_pred, axis = 1, name = 'softmax_pred')

eps <- 1e-8
m_log <- 0 - mx.symbol.mean(mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(mx.symbol.log(softmax_pred + eps), label))
m_logloss <- mx.symbol.MakeLoss(m_log, name = 'm_logloss')
my_optimizer <- mx.opt.create(name = "adam", learning.rate = 0.001, beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999,
                              epsilon = 1e-08, wd = 1e-4)
my.eval.metric.loss <- mx.metric.custom(
  name = "m-log-loss",
  function(label, pred) {

my_model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(symbol = m_logloss, X = my_iter, optimizer = my_optimizer,
                                        array.batch.size = 20, ctx = mx.gpu(), num.round = 50,
                                        eval.metric = my.eval.metric.loss,
                                        batch.end.callback = mx.callback.log.speedometer(frequency = 50, batch.size = 20))
mx.model.save(model = my_model, prefix = 'model/rnn_v1', iteration = 0)


lstm.infer.cell <- function (Model, Input, layeridx = 1, prev.state = NULL) {
  i2h <- Input %*% as.array(Model$arg.params[[paste0('Cis.l', layeridx, '.i2h.weight')]]) + as.array(Model$arg.params[[paste0('Cis.l', layeridx, '.i2h.bias')]])
  if (is.null(prev.state)) {
    gates <- i2h
  } else {
    h2h <- prev.state[['h']] %*% as.array(Model$arg.params[[paste0('Cis.l', layeridx, '.h2h.weight')]]) + as.array(Model$arg.params[[paste0('Cis.l', layeridx, '.h2h.bias')]])
    gates <- i2h + h2h
  num_seq <- length(gates) / 4
  in.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[num_seq * (1 - 1) + 1:num_seq]))
  in.transform <- tanh(gates[num_seq * (2 - 1) + 1:num_seq])
  forget.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[num_seq * (3 - 1) + 1:num_seq]))
  out.gate <- 1/(1+exp(-gates[num_seq * (4 - 1) + 1:num_seq]))
  if (is.null(prev.state)) {
    next.c <- (in.gate * in.transform)
  } else {
    next.c <- (forget.gate * prev.state[['c']]) + (in.gate * in.transform)
  next.h <- out.gate * tanh(next.c)
  return(list(c = next.c, h = next.h))

rnn.infer.func <- function (Model, Input = 'adenocarcinoma', DIC = dic, max_layeridx = 3, max_length = 100, random = TRUE) {
  Input_vec <- strsplit(Input, '') %>% unlist()
  Input_pos <- rep(0L, max_length)
  Input_pos[1:length(Input_vec)] <- DIC[Input_vec]
  rev_DIC <- names(DIC)
  names(rev_DIC) <- DIC
  for (j in 1:max_length) {
    Input_embed <- as.array(Model$arg.params$embed1_weight)[,Input_pos[j]]
    if (j == 1) {h_list <- list()}
    Current_input <- Input_embed
    for (i in 1:max_layeridx) {
      if (j == 1) {prev.state <- NULL} else {prev.state <- h_list[[i]]}
      h_list[[i]] <- lstm.infer.cell(Model = Model, Input = Current_input, layeridx = i, prev.state = prev.state)
      Current_input <- h_list[[i]][['h']]
    linear_pred <- h_list[[max_layeridx]][['h']] %*% as.array(Model$arg.params[['linear_pred_weight']])[1,,,] + as.array(Model$arg.params[['linear_pred_bias']])
    softmax_pred <- exp(linear_pred)/sum(exp(linear_pred))
    if (j > 1) {
      if (random & grepl('[^A-z0-9]', rev_DIC[Input_pos[j - 1]])) {
        highest_pos <- order(softmax_pred, decreasing = TRUE) %>% head(5)
        Current_pos <- sample(highest_pos, 1, prob = softmax_pred[,highest_pos])
      } else {
        Current_pos <- which.max(softmax_pred)
    } else {
      Current_pos <- which.max(softmax_pred)
    if (j > length(Input_vec) & rev_DIC[Current_pos] == '<end>') {
    } else if (j >= length(Input_vec)) {
      Input_pos[j+1] <- Current_pos
  return(paste(rev_DIC[Input_pos], collapse = ''))

save(dic, lstm.infer.cell, rnn.infer.func, file = 'model/dic.RData')


– 你可以下載dic.RDatarnn_v1-0000.params以及rnn_v1-symbol.json取得訓練好的模型參數

rnn.infer.func(Model = my_model, Input = 'adenocarcinoma', DIC = dic, max_layeridx = 3, max_length = 50, random = FALSE)
## [1] "adenocarcinoma of left carcinoma of left carcinoma "
rnn.infer.func(Model = my_model, Input = 'chronic kidney disease', DIC = dic, max_layeridx = 3, max_length = 50, random = FALSE)
## [1] "chronic kidney disease with contection of left carc"

– 這項任務用循環神經網絡做的優勢就在於可以給他任意輸入,而傳統的方式若文章中找不到一樣的句子就會找不到了!


– 他是基於這篇研究:Attention Is All You Need

– 可是這樣就必須設計一種pooling的機制,將先前「不定長度」的特徵整合成同樣長度,而最合理的pooling方式就是透過注意力機制來進行。




\[ \begin{align} PE_{(pos,2i)} & = sin(pos/10000^{2i/dim}) \\ PE_{(pos,2i+1)} & = cos(pos/10000^{2i/dim}) \end{align} \] - 這是一個精心設計的Embedding,任意兩個單詞距離一樣時,內積出來的數字就會一致:

dim <- 64
pos <- 1:100

test_embeddings <- NULL

for (m in 1:dim) {
  i2 <- m %/% 2 + m %% 2
  if (m %% 2 == 0) {
    current_embeddings <- sin(pos/10000^(i2/dim))
  } else {
    current_embeddings <- cos(pos/10000^(i2/dim))
  test_embeddings <- rbind(test_embeddings, current_embeddings)

– 這是向量的圖


Show_img <- function (img, plot_xlim = c(0.04, 0.96), plot_ylim = c(0.96, 0.04)) {
  par(mar = rep(0, 4))
  plot(NA, xlim = plot_xlim, ylim = plot_ylim, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
  img <- (img - min(img))/(max(img) - min(img))
  img <- as.raster(img)
  rasterImage(img, 0, 1, 1, 0, interpolate=FALSE)


– 這是內積的圖

Show_img(t(test_embeddings) %*% test_embeddings)



– 接著,我們可以透過這串運算產出最終輸出

\[ \begin{align} Attention(Q,K,V) & = softmax(QK^T / sqrt(d))V \end{align} \]




– Google團隊的BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding提出了一個很好的方法,那就是使用word2vec的老招,使用上下文的單詞預測中間的單詞。

– 在訓練中將隨機遮罩15%的字,模型需要預測這些是那些字。


– 與BERT相對應的就是Open AI提出的GPT模型,而GPT模型是基於Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training,他只有Transformer中的Decoder,與BERT的對比如下:


– 初版的BERT在幾乎所有任務中都對GPT呈現輾壓級的優勢(從引用次數中也能看出),不過現在Open AI的chatGPT對Google的BARD也有著輾壓級的優勢,後續對這些網路的微調或是增大資料集,將使著兩者的排名隨時有天翻地覆的變化。


– 這波革命整個技術突破的關鍵點:Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition,在他想到以加法產生直通通道以前,其實就已經有人在研究如何給前面的神經元搭橋給後面的神經元,而當時採用的技術是Highway Networks


– 總結一下Highway Networks的失敗原因,你有注意到我們的LSTM記憶單元所採用的非線性轉換函數是\(\tanh\)嗎?為什麼不用ReLU?

– 另外梯度的傳遞也是個問題,畢竟這個gate所使用的是Sigmoid函數。