
林嶔 (Lin, Chin)

Lesson 13 物件識別模型實驗


– 對於圖像分類模型,大多是透過Pooling把這個特徵圖縮減成1×1×n的特徵,並對其做Softmax regression的輸出

– 對於YOLO model,他是對每一個Gird都要有一系列輸出,因此他就是不做Pooling直接再用1×1的卷積核進行運算,從而輸出7×7×m的輸出,最終我們再對7×7×m的部分做解碼(Decode)。




– 所以假設最終的特徵圖大小為7×7×n,那在皮卡丘識別任務中YOLO結構的輸出將會是7×7×6。

  1. 可信度:這是一個必須介於0至1的數值,所以需要經過Sigmoid轉換後方能輸出

  2. y座標(row)的「相對」位置:這也是一個必須介於0至1的數值

  3. x座標(column)的「相對」位置:這也是一個必須介於0至1的數值

  4. 寬度(x軸):這是一個必須大於0的數值,經過指數轉換可以把任意數轉換成符合需求,但常規的做法是把原始值經過對數轉換,而輸出值是不做任何處理的

  5. 高度(y軸):這個部分與寬度相同

  6. 類別1的可能性:在YOLO v1中,是將類別1至類別N的可能性一起做Softmax,但在YOLO v3中將這個部分全部改成Sigmoid輸出,以允許多重標籤的物件

  1. 為什麼要使用「相對」位置而非「絕對」位置?

  2. 為什麼在高度/寬度的輸出不是使用ReLU或是指數轉換,而是將原始值做對數處理後而輸出值保持原樣?


– 讓我們先從這裡下載一個做圖像識別的MobileNet v2模型,我們先試試它的圖像分類效果:


#Load a pre-training residual network model

mobile_model <- mx.model.load("model/mobilev2", 0)
label_names <- readLines("model/synset.txt", encoding = "UTF-8")

#Define image processing functions

preproc.image <- function(im, width = 224, height = 224, method = 'bilinear') {
  resized <- resizeImage(image = im, width = width, height = height, method = method)
  resized <- as.array(resized) * 255
  resized[,,1] <- resized[,,1] - 123.68
  resized[,,2] <- resized[,,2] - 116.78
  resized[,,3] <- resized[,,3] - 103.94
  # Reshape to format needed by mxnet (width, height, channel, num)
  dim(resized) <- c(width, height, 3, 1)

#Read image # Display image

img <- readJPEG("image/4.jpg")


normed <- preproc.image(img)

#Display image

par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(NA, xlim = c(0.04, 0.96), ylim = c(0.04, 0.96), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
rasterImage(img, 0, 0, 1, 1, interpolate = FALSE)


prob <- predict(mobile_model, X = normed, ctx = mx.gpu())
cat(paste0(label_names[which.max(prob)], ': ', formatC(max(prob), 4, format = 'f'), '\n'))
## n02497673 Madagascar cat, ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta: 1.0000


– 這裡的函數「DWCONV_function」以及「CONV_function」都只是在原先的基礎上再增加卷積層,關鍵是函數「YOLO_map_function」的部分。

– 根據剛剛的定義你會發現除了高度/寬度的輸出(第4項與第5項)不需要經過Sigmoid轉換之外,剩下都需要,所以我們先用函數「mx.symbol.SliceChannel」把他們拆開,最後再各自處理過後再用函數「mx.symbol.concat」合併。

# Libraries


## Define the model architecture
## Use pre-trained model and fine tuning

# Load MobileNet v2

Pre_Trained_model <- mx.model.load('model/mobilev2', 0)

# Get the internal output

Mobile_symbol <- Pre_Trained_model$symbol

Mobile_All_layer <- Mobile_symbol$get.internals()

basic_out <- which(Mobile_All_layer$outputs == 'conv6_3_linear_bn_output') %>% Mobile_All_layer$get.output()

# mx.symbol.infer.shape(basic_out, data = c(256, 256, 3, 7))$out.shapes
# conv6_3_linear_bn_output out shape = 8 8 320 n (if input shape = 256 256 3 n)

# Convolution layer for specific mission and training new parameters

# 1. Additional some architecture for better learning

DWCONV_function <- function (indata, num_filters = 256, Inverse_coef = 6, residual = TRUE, name = 'lvl1', stage = 1) {
  expend_conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = indata, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                       no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters * Inverse_coef,
                                       name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_expend'))
  expend_bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = expend_conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_expend_bn'))
  expend_relu <- mx.symbol.LeakyReLU(data = expend_bn, act.type = 'leaky', slope = 0.1, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_expend_relu'))
  dwise_conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = expend_relu, kernel = c(3, 3), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(1, 1),
                                      no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters * Inverse_coef, num.group = num_filters * Inverse_coef,
                                      name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_dwise'))
  dwise_bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = dwise_conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_dwise_bn'))
  dwise_relu <- mx.symbol.LeakyReLU(data = dwise_bn, act.type = 'leaky', slope = 0.1, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_dwise_relu'))
  restore_conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = dwise_relu, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                        no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters,
                                        name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_restore'))
  restore_bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = restore_conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_restore_bn'))
  if (residual) {
    block <- mx.symbol.broadcast_plus(lhs = indata, rhs = restore_bn, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_block'))
  } else {
    restore_relu <- mx.symbol.LeakyReLU(data = restore_bn, act.type = 'leaky', slope = 0.1, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_restore_relu'))

CONV_function <- function (indata, num_filters = 256, name = 'lvl1', stage = 1) {
  conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = indata, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters,
                                name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_conv'))
  bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_bn'))
  relu <- mx.symbol.Activation(data = bn, act.type = 'relu', name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_relu'))

YOLO_map_function <- function (indata, final_map = 6, num_box = 1, drop = 0.2, name = 'lvl1') {
  dp <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = indata, p = drop, name = paste0(name, '_drop'))
  conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = dp, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                no.bias = FALSE, num.filter = final_map, name = paste0(name, '_linearmap'))
  inter_split <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = conv, num_outputs = final_map,
                                        axis = 1, squeeze_axis = FALSE, name = paste0(name, "_inter_split"))
  new_list <- list()
  for (k in 1:final_map) {
    if (!(k %% num_box) %in% c(4:5)) {
      new_list[[k]] <- mx.symbol.Activation(inter_split[[k]], act.type = 'sigmoid', name = paste0(name, "_yolomap_", k))
    } else {
      new_list[[k]] <- inter_split[[k]]
  yolomap <- mx.symbol.concat(data = new_list, num.args = final_map, dim = 1, name = paste0(name, "_yolomap"))

yolo_conv_1 <- DWCONV_function(indata = basic_out, num_filters = 320, Inverse_coef = 3, residual = TRUE, name = 'yolo', stage = 1)
yolo_conv_2 <- DWCONV_function(indata = yolo_conv_1, num_filters = 320, Inverse_coef = 3, residual = TRUE, name = 'yolo', stage = 2)
yolo_conv_3 <- CONV_function(indata = yolo_conv_2, num_filters = 320, name = 'yolo', stage = 3)

yolomap <- YOLO_map_function(indata = yolo_conv_3, final_map = 6, drop = 0.2, name = 'final')



  1. 第一個部分是對於y座標與x座標的損失

  2. 第二個部分是對於寬度與高度的損失

  3. 第三個部分是可信度該找出而答錯的損失

  4. 第四個部分是可信度該略過而答錯的損失

  5. 第五個部分是類別n的可能性的損失

– 另外,他還有個\(\lambda_{coord}\)以及\(\lambda_{noobj}\)兩個參數,根據YOLO v1 paper的建議分別被定是5以及0.5,這是因為物件識別是一個極度類別不平衡的任務,所以給予正向樣本較高的權重。


– 當然我們對y座標與x座標的部分是沒有辦法做修正的。

# 2. Custom loss function

MSE_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda) {
  diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.broadcast_minus(lhs = indata, rhs = inlabel)
  square_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.square(data = diff_pred_label)
  obj_square_diff_loss <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = square_diff_pred_label)
  MSE_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_square_diff_loss, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  return(MSE_loss * lambda)

CE_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda, eps = 1e-4) {
  log_pred_1 <- mx.symbol.log(data = indata + eps)
  log_pred_2 <- mx.symbol.log(data = 1 - indata + eps)
  multiple_log_pred_label_1 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_1, rhs = inlabel)
  multiple_log_pred_label_2 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_2, rhs = 1 - inlabel)
  obj_weighted_loss <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = multiple_log_pred_label_1 + multiple_log_pred_label_2)
  average_CE_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_weighted_loss, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  CE_loss <- 0 - average_CE_loss * lambda

YOLO_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, final_map = 6, num_box = 1, lambda = 10, weight_classification = 0.2, name = 'yolo') {
  num_feature <- final_map/num_box
  my_loss <- 0
  yolomap_split <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = indata, num_outputs = final_map, 
                                          axis = 1, squeeze_axis = FALSE, name = paste(name, '_yolomap_split'))
  label_split <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = inlabel, num_outputs = final_map, 
                                        axis = 1, squeeze_axis = FALSE, name = paste(name, '_label_split'))
  for (j in 1:num_box) {
    for (k in 1:num_feature) {
      if (k %in% 1:5) {weight <- 1} else {weight <- weight_classification}
      if (!k %in% c(2:5)) {
        if (k == 1) {
          my_loss <- my_loss + CE_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                obj = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                lambda = lambda * weight,
                                                eps = 1e-4)
          my_loss <- my_loss + CE_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                obj = 1 - label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                lambda = 1,
                                                eps = 1e-4)
        } else {
          my_loss <- my_loss + CE_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                obj = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                lambda = lambda * weight,
                                                eps = 1e-4)
      } else {
        my_loss <- my_loss + MSE_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                               inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                               obj = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                               lambda = lambda * weight)

label <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = "label")

yolo_loss <- YOLO_loss_function(indata = yolomap, inlabel = label, final_map = 6, num_box = 1, lambda = 10, weight_classification = 0.2, name = 'yolo')

final_yolo_loss <- mx.symbol.MakeLoss(data = yolo_loss)


– 先讓我們從這裡下載所需要的檔案

– 如果你想弄懂怎樣從JPG檔案變成我們現在需要的格式,請你參考MxNetR-YOLO/pikachu/code/1. Processing data的過程

# Libraries


# Load data (Training set)


##   obj_name  col_left col_right   row_bot   row_top prob img_id
## 1  pikachu 0.6267570 0.7256063 0.4658268 0.3013253    1      1
## 2  pikachu 0.5070340 0.5993253 0.4963081 0.3682864    1      2
## 3  pikachu 0.5904536 0.6917713 0.5608004 0.3917792    1      3
## 4  pikachu 0.5722729 0.6571676 0.5396996 0.4144326    1      4
## 5  pikachu 0.3893552 0.5016431 0.4850163 0.3470082    1      5
## 6  pikachu 0.3819232 0.4916472 0.5595707 0.4213461    1      6
head(train_img_list[[1]], 20)
##  [1] ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46 49 46 00 01 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 00
Show_img <- function (img, box_info = NULL, show_prob = FALSE, col_bbox = '#FFFFFF00', col_label = '#FF0000FF',
                      show_grid = FALSE, n.grid = 8, col_grid = '#0000FFFF') {
  par(mar = rep(0, 4))
  plot(NA, xlim = c(0.04, 0.96), ylim = c(0.96, 0.04), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
  img <- (img - min(img))/(max(img) - min(img))
  img <- as.raster(img)
  rasterImage(img, 0, 1, 1, 0, interpolate=FALSE)
  box_info[box_info[,2] < 0, 2] <- 0
  box_info[box_info[,3] > 1, 3] <- 1
  box_info[box_info[,4] > 1, 4] <- 1
  box_info[box_info[,5] < 0, 5] <- 0
  if (!is.null(box_info)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(box_info)) {
      if (is.null(box_info$col[i])) {COL_LABEL <- col_label} else {COL_LABEL <- box_info$col[i]}
      if (show_prob) {
        TEXT <- paste0(box_info[i,1], ' (', formatC(box_info[i,6]*100, 0, format = 'f'), '%)')
      } else {
        TEXT <- box_info[i,1]
      size <- max(box_info[i,3] - box_info[i,2], 0.05)
      rect(xleft = box_info[i,2], xright = box_info[i,2] + 0.04*sqrt(size)*nchar(TEXT),
           ybottom = box_info[i,5] + 0.08*sqrt(size), ytop = box_info[i,5],
           col = COL_LABEL, border = COL_LABEL, lwd = 0)
      text(x = box_info[i,2] + 0.02*sqrt(size) * nchar(TEXT),
           y = box_info[i,5] + 0.04*sqrt(size),
           labels = TEXT,
           col = 'white', cex = 1.5*sqrt(size), font = 2)
      rect(xleft = box_info[i,2], xright = box_info[i,3],
           ybottom = box_info[i,4], ytop = box_info[i,5],
           col = col_bbox, border = COL_LABEL, lwd = 5*sqrt(size))
  if (show_grid) {
    for (i in 1:n.grid) {
      if (i != n.grid) {
        abline(a = i/n.grid, b = 0, col = col_grid, lwd = 12/n.grid)
        abline(v = i/n.grid, col = col_grid, lwd = 12/n.grid)
      for (j in 1:n.grid) {
        text((i-0.5)/n.grid, (j-0.5)/n.grid, paste0('(', j, ', ', i, ')'), col = col_grid, cex = 8/n.grid)

img_id <- 1

resized_img <- readJPEG(train_img_list[[img_id]])
sub_BOX_INFOS <- train_box_info[train_box_info$img_id %in% img_id,]

Show_img(img = resized_img, box_info = sub_BOX_INFOS, show_grid = FALSE)


– 這裡還需要一個函數「IoU_function」,因為在未來做輸出預測的時候很有可能會產生多個大範圍重疊的框框,所以我們需要用到非極大值抑制(Non-Maximum Suppression, NMS)來移除多餘的框:


# Custom function

# Note: this function made some efforts to keep the coordinate system consistent.
# The major challenge is that 'bottomleft' is the original point of "plot" function,
# but the original point of image is 'topleft'

IoU_function <- function (label, pred) {
  overlap_width <- min(label[,2], pred[,2]) - max(label[,1], pred[,1])
  overlap_height <- min(label[,3], pred[,3]) - max(label[,4], pred[,4])
  if (overlap_width > 0 & overlap_height > 0) {
    pred_size <- (pred[,2]-pred[,1])*(pred[,3]-pred[,4])
    label_size <- (label[,2]-label[,1])*(label[,3]-label[,4])
    overlap_size <- overlap_width * overlap_height
    return(overlap_size/(pred_size + label_size - overlap_size))
  } else {

Encode_fun <- function (box_info, n.grid = 8, eps = 1e-8, obj_name = 'pikachu') {
  img_ids <- unique(box_info$img_id)
  num_pred <- 5 + length(obj_name)
  out_array <- array(0, dim = c(n.grid, n.grid, num_pred, length(img_ids)))
  for (j in 1:length(img_ids)) {
    sub_box_info <- box_info[box_info$img_id == img_ids[j],]
    for (i in 1:nrow(sub_box_info)) {
      bbox_center_row <- (sub_box_info[i,4] + sub_box_info[i,5]) / 2 * n.grid
      bbox_center_col <- (sub_box_info[i,2] + sub_box_info[i,3]) / 2 * n.grid
      bbox_width <- (sub_box_info[i,3] - sub_box_info[i,2]) * n.grid
      bbox_height <- (sub_box_info[i,4] - sub_box_info[i,5]) * n.grid
      center_row <- ceiling(bbox_center_row)
      center_col <- ceiling(bbox_center_col)
      row_related_pos <- bbox_center_row %% 1
      row_related_pos[row_related_pos == 0] <- 1
      col_related_pos <- bbox_center_col %% 1
      col_related_pos[col_related_pos == 0] <- 1
      out_array[center_row,center_col,1,j] <- 1
      out_array[center_row,center_col,2,j] <- row_related_pos
      out_array[center_row,center_col,3,j] <- col_related_pos
      out_array[center_row,center_col,4,j] <- log(bbox_width + eps)
      out_array[center_row,center_col,5,j] <- log(bbox_height + eps)
      out_array[center_row,center_col,5+which(obj_name %in% sub_box_info$obj_name[i]),j] <- 1 

Decode_fun <- function (encode_array, cut_prob = 0.5, cut_overlap = 0.3,
                        obj_name = 'pikachu',
                        obj_col = '#FF0000FF',
                        img_id_list = NULL) {
  num_img <- dim(encode_array)[4]
  num_feature <- length(obj_name) + 5
  pos_start <- (0:(dim(encode_array)[3]/num_feature-1)*num_feature)
  box_info <- NULL
  # Decoding
  for (j in 1:num_img) {
    sub_box_info <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(pos_start)) {
      sub_encode_array <- as.array(encode_array)[,,pos_start[i]+1:num_feature,j]
      pos_over_cut <- which(sub_encode_array[,,1] >= cut_prob)
      if (length(pos_over_cut) >= 1) {
        pos_over_cut_row <- pos_over_cut %% dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
        pos_over_cut_row[pos_over_cut_row == 0] <- dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
        pos_over_cut_col <- ceiling(pos_over_cut/dim(sub_encode_array)[1])
        for (l in 1:length(pos_over_cut)) {
          encode_vec <- sub_encode_array[pos_over_cut_row[l],pos_over_cut_col[l],]
          if (encode_vec[2] < 0) {encode_vec[2] <- 0}
          if (encode_vec[2] > 1) {encode_vec[2] <- 1}
          if (encode_vec[3] < 0) {encode_vec[3] <- 0}
          if (encode_vec[3] > 1) {encode_vec[3] <- 1}
          center_row <- (encode_vec[2] + (pos_over_cut_row[l] - 1))/dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
          center_col <- (encode_vec[3] + (pos_over_cut_col[l] - 1))/dim(sub_encode_array)[2]
          width <- exp(encode_vec[4])/dim(sub_encode_array)[2]
          height <- exp(encode_vec[5])/dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
          if (is.null(img_id_list)) {new_img_id <- j} else {new_img_id <- img_id_list[j]}
          new_box_info <- data.frame(obj_name = obj_name[which.max(encode_vec[-c(1:5)])],
                                     col_left = center_col-width/2,
                                     col_right = center_col+width/2,
                                     row_bot = center_row+height/2,
                                     row_top = center_row-height/2,
                                     prob = encode_vec[1],
                                     img_id = new_img_id,
                                     col = obj_col[which.max(encode_vec[-c(1:5)])],
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          sub_box_info <- rbind(sub_box_info, new_box_info)
    if (!is.null(sub_box_info)) {
      # Remove overlapping
      sub_box_info <- sub_box_info[order(sub_box_info$prob, decreasing = TRUE),]
      for (obj in unique(sub_box_info$obj_name)) {
        obj_sub_box_info <- sub_box_info[sub_box_info$obj_name == obj,]
        if (nrow(obj_sub_box_info) == 1) {
          box_info <- rbind(box_info, obj_sub_box_info)
        } else {
          overlap_seq <- NULL
          for (m in 2:nrow(obj_sub_box_info)) {
            for (n in 1:(m-1)) {
              if (!n %in% overlap_seq) {
                overlap_prob <- IoU_function(label = obj_sub_box_info[m,2:5], pred = obj_sub_box_info[n,2:5])
                overlap_width <- min(obj_sub_box_info[m,3], obj_sub_box_info[n,3]) - max(obj_sub_box_info[m,2], obj_sub_box_info[n,2])
                overlap_height <- min(obj_sub_box_info[m,4], obj_sub_box_info[n,4]) - max(obj_sub_box_info[m,5], obj_sub_box_info[n,5])
                if (overlap_prob >= cut_overlap) {
                  overlap_seq <- c(overlap_seq, m)
          if (!is.null(overlap_seq)) {
            obj_sub_box_info <- obj_sub_box_info[-overlap_seq,]
          box_info <- rbind(box_info, obj_sub_box_info)


# Test Encode & Decode function

img_id <- 1

resized_img <- readJPEG(train_img_list[[img_id]])

sub_BOX_INFOS <- train_box_info[train_box_info$img_id %in% img_id,]

Encode_label <- Encode_fun(box_info = sub_BOX_INFOS)
restore_BOX_INFOS <- Decode_fun(encode_array = Encode_label)

Show_img(img = resized_img, box_info = restore_BOX_INFOS, show_grid = TRUE)

## , , 1, 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## , , 2, 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]       [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.06860864    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.00000000    0    0
## , , 3, 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]      [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.4094529    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## , , 4, 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]       [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0 -0.2347173    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0  0.0000000    0    0
## , , 5, 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]      [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.2746061    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0 0.0000000    0    0
## , , 6, 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0


# Build an iterator

train_ids <- unique(train_box_info[,'img_id'])

my_iterator_core <- function (batch_size, img_size = 256, resize_method = 'bilinear',
                              aug_crop = TRUE, aug_flip = TRUE) {
  batch <-  0
  batch_per_epoch <- floor(length(train_ids)/batch_size)
  reset <- function() {batch <<- 0}
  iter.next <- function() {
    batch <<- batch + 1
    if (batch > batch_per_epoch) {return(FALSE)} else {return(TRUE)}
  value <- function() {
    idx <- 1:batch_size + (batch - 1) * batch_size
    idx[idx > length(train_ids)] <- sample(1:(idx[1]-1), sum(idx > length(train_ids)))
    idx <- sort(idx)
    batch.box_info <- train_box_info[train_box_info$img_id %in% train_ids[idx],]
    #t0 <- Sys.time()
    img_array <- array(0, dim = c(img_size, img_size, 3, batch_size))
    for (i in 1:batch_size) {
      read_img <- readJPEG(train_img_list[[train_ids[idx[i]]]])
      img_array[,,,i] <- preproc.image(read_img, width = img_size, height = img_size, method = resize_method)
    if (aug_flip) {
      original_dim <- dim(img_array)
      if (sample(0:1, 1) == 1) {
        img_array <- img_array[,original_dim[2]:1,,]
        flip_left <- 1 - batch.box_info[,2]
        flip_right <- 1 - batch.box_info[,3]
        batch.box_info[,2] <- flip_right
        batch.box_info[,3] <- flip_left
        dim(img_array) <- original_dim
    if (aug_crop) {
      revised_dim <- dim(img_array)
      revised_dim[1:2] <- img_size - 32
      random.row <- sample(0:32, 1)
      random.col <- sample(0:32, 1)
      img_array <- img_array[random.row+1:(img_size-32),random.col+1:(img_size-32),,]
      dim(img_array) <- revised_dim
      batch.box_info[,4:5] <- batch.box_info[,4:5] * img_size / (img_size - 32) - random.row/256
      batch.box_info[,2:3] <- batch.box_info[,2:3] * img_size / (img_size - 32) - random.col/256
      for (j in 2:5) {
        batch.box_info[batch.box_info[,j] <= 0,j] <- 0
        batch.box_info[batch.box_info[,j] >= 1,j] <- 1
    label <- Encode_fun(box_info = batch.box_info, n.grid = dim(img_array)[1]/32)
    label <- mx.nd.array(label)
    data <- mx.nd.array(img_array)
    return(list(data = data, label = label))
  return(list(reset = reset, iter.next = iter.next, value = value, batch_size = batch_size, batch = batch))

my_iterator_func <- setRefClass("Custom_Iter",
                                fields = c("iter", "batch_size", "img_size", "resize_method", "aug_crop", "aug_flip"),
                                contains = "Rcpp_MXArrayDataIter",
                                methods = list(
                                  initialize = function(iter, batch_size = 16, img_size = 256, resize_method = 'nearest',
                                                        aug_crop = TRUE, aug_flip = TRUE){
                                    .self$iter <- my_iterator_core(batch_size = batch_size, img_size = img_size, resize_method = resize_method,
                                                                   aug_crop = aug_crop, aug_flip = aug_flip)
                                  value = function(){
                                  iter.next = function(){
                                  reset = function(){


# Test iterator function

my_iter <- my_iterator_func(iter = NULL, batch_size = 16, img_size = 256, resize_method = 'bilinear',
                            aug_crop = TRUE, aug_flip = TRUE)


## [1] TRUE
test <- my_iter$value()

img_seq <- 1

iter_img <- as.array(test$data)[,,,img_seq]
iter_img[,,1] <- iter_img[,,1] + 123.68
iter_img[,,2] <- iter_img[,,2] + 116.78
iter_img[,,3] <- iter_img[,,3] + 103.94
iter_img <- iter_img / 255

iter_box_info <- Decode_fun(test$label)

Show_img(img = iter_img, box_info = iter_box_info[iter_box_info$img_id == img_seq,], show_grid = FALSE)


# Custom callback function

my.eval.metric.loss <- mx.metric.custom(
  name = "multi_part_loss",
  function(label, pred) {

my.callback_batch <- function (batch.size = 16, frequency = 10) {
  function(iteration, nbatch, env, verbose = TRUE) {
    count <- nbatch
    if (is.null(env$count)) 
      env$count <- 0
    if (is.null(env$init)) 
      env$init <- FALSE
    if (env$count > count) 
      env$init <- FALSE
    env$count = count
    if (env$init) {
      if (count%%frequency == 0 && !is.null(env$metric)) {
        time <- as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), env$tic, 
                                   units = "secs"))
        speed <- frequency * batch.size/time
        result <- env$metric$get(env$train.metric)
        if (nbatch != 0 & verbose) {
          message(paste0("Batch [", nbatch, "] Speed: ", 
                         formatC(speed, 3, format = "f"), " samples/sec Train-", result$name, 
                         "=", as.array(result$value)))
        env$tic = Sys.time()
    else {
      env$init <- TRUE
      env$tic <- Sys.time()

my.callback_epoch <- function (out_symbol, logger = NULL, 
                               prefix = 'model/yolo_v1',
                               fixed.params = NULL,
                               period = 1) {
  function(iteration, nbatch, env, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (iteration%%period == 0) {
      env_model <- env$model
      env_all_layers <- env_model$symbol$get.internals()
      model_write_out <- list(symbol = out_symbol,
                              arg.params = env_model$arg.params,
                              aux.params = env_model$aux.params)
      model_write_out[[2]] <- append(model_write_out[[2]], fixed.params)
      class(model_write_out) <- "MXFeedForwardModel"
      mx.model.save(model_write_out, prefix, iteration)
      if (verbose) {
        message(sprintf("Model checkpoint saved to %s-%04d.params", prefix, iteration))
    if (!is.null(logger)) {
      if (class(logger) != "mx.metric.logger") {
        stop("Invalid mx.metric.logger.")
      } else {
        result <- env$metric$get(env$train.metric)
        logger$train <- c(logger$train, result$value)
        if (!is.null(env$eval.metric)) {
          result <- env$metric$get(env$eval.metric)
          logger$eval <- c(logger$eval, result$value)


# initiate Parameter for model

new_arg <- mxnet:::mx.model.init.params(symbol = final_yolo_loss, 
                                        input.shape = list(data = c(224, 224, 3, 13), 
                                                           label = c(7, 7, 6, 13)), 
                                        output.shape = NULL, initializer = mxnet:::mx.init.Xavier(rnd_type = "uniform", magnitude = 2.24), 
                                        ctx = mx.gpu())

# Bind Pre-trained Parameter into model

Pre_trained_ARG <- Pre_Trained_model$arg.params

ARG_in_net_name <- names(Pre_trained_ARG) %>% .[. %in% names(new_arg$arg.params)]  # remove paramter does not in model

for (i in 1:length(ARG_in_net_name)){
  new_arg$arg.params[names(new_arg$arg.params) == ARG_in_net_name[i]] <- Pre_trained_ARG[names(Pre_trained_ARG) == ARG_in_net_name[i]]

ARG.PARAMS <- new_arg$arg.params

# Model Training

my_logger <- mx.metric.logger$new()
my_optimizer <- mx.opt.create(name = "sgd", learning.rate = 5e-3, momentum = 0.9, wd = 1e-4)

my_iter <- my_iterator_func(iter = NULL, batch_size = 16, img_size = 256, aug_crop = TRUE, aug_flip = TRUE)

YOLO_model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(final_yolo_loss, X = my_iter,
                                          ctx = mx.gpu(), num.round = 1, optimizer = my_optimizer,
                                          arg.params = ARG.PARAMS,  eval.metric = my.eval.metric.loss,
                                          input.names = 'data', output.names = 'label',
                                          batch.end.callback = my.callback_batch(batch.size = 16, frequency = 10),
                                          epoch.end.callback = my.callback_epoch(out_symbol = yolomap, logger = my_logger,
                                                                                 prefix = 'model/yolo_pikachu', period = 1))


– 如果你因為電腦問題沒辦法很快的得到模型,你可以下載yolo_v1-symbol.json以及yolo_v1-0000.params下載已經訓練好的模型。

# Load valiation dataset

val_img_list_path <- 'data/val_img_list.RData'
val_box_info_path <- 'data/val_box_info.RData'


# Select an image

used_img_id <- 3

img <- readJPEG(val_img_list[[used_img_id]])
sub_BOX_INFOS <- val_box_info[val_box_info$img_id %in% used_img_id,]

# Show image

Show_img(img = img, box_info = sub_BOX_INFOS, show_grid = FALSE)


– 現在的問題是,我們該如何解碼這個輸出呢?

# Select an image

used_img_id <- 3

img <- readJPEG(val_img_list[[used_img_id]])
img_array <- preproc.image(img, width = 256, height = 256)

# Predict and decode

pred_out <- mxnet:::predict.MXFeedForwardModel(model = YOLO_model, X = img_array)

# Show output

## , , 1, 1
##              [,1]         [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]
## [1,] 2.183773e-05 7.931536e-05 6.351219e-04 4.764824e-05 3.066422e-04
## [2,] 2.112850e-05 8.728065e-06 8.421379e-05 4.261563e-05 2.267240e-05
## [3,] 3.515312e-05 6.092310e-06 6.672289e-05 1.391574e-04 4.951582e-06
## [4,] 2.894120e-05 1.691693e-05 9.405715e-05 5.073927e-05 3.202549e-04
## [5,] 3.926421e-05 7.203409e-06 3.814128e-05 1.176981e-04 4.450712e-06
## [6,] 1.580108e-04 1.356378e-04 1.882506e-04 1.024184e-04 1.296587e-04
## [7,] 1.299090e-04 1.584105e-05 6.206470e-05 1.087106e-04 4.044878e-05
## [8,] 1.478992e-04 3.950361e-05 1.172350e-05 5.081013e-06 7.446285e-06
##              [,6]         [,7]         [,8]
## [1,] 5.042905e-05 1.206236e-04 3.142923e-05
## [2,] 1.875633e-05 6.406666e-06 6.458136e-05
## [3,] 2.528928e-07 1.362063e-07 5.915533e-05
## [4,] 9.999520e-01 1.514749e-09 4.630832e-05
## [5,] 1.955162e-06 4.397059e-08 2.994973e-05
## [6,] 1.827018e-05 3.710182e-06 1.194206e-04
## [7,] 5.231993e-05 3.681783e-06 5.022814e-04
## [8,] 2.055441e-05 3.945771e-05 6.166154e-05
## , , 2, 1
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]       [,6]      [,7]
## [1,] 0.6811010 0.5992813 0.5588801 0.5918353 0.5709596 0.56653702 0.4892548
## [2,] 0.6025977 0.4801804 0.4766892 0.6117824 0.6155071 0.71469992 0.5594321
## [3,] 0.5267593 0.5213332 0.4998184 0.6468284 0.9106307 0.98305821 0.8658469
## [4,] 0.5180151 0.4374247 0.4843335 0.6602411 0.7039936 0.47149846 0.8244733
## [5,] 0.5525034 0.5094016 0.5309802 0.5598103 0.5592340 0.08420401 0.6220540
## [6,] 0.5059406 0.4042488 0.4696932 0.4871991 0.3894823 0.20204745 0.4235689
## [7,] 0.4832372 0.3369739 0.4324991 0.3261008 0.2914434 0.30894563 0.3775699
## [8,] 0.1947426 0.2085135 0.2981278 0.3268141 0.3252218 0.34786418 0.2280285
##           [,8]
## [1,] 0.5099480
## [2,] 0.3608977
## [3,] 0.3018216
## [4,] 0.2923717
## [5,] 0.2853925
## [6,] 0.3369421
## [7,] 0.3532733
## [8,] 0.3354525
## , , 3, 1
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]        [,7]
## [1,] 0.4752454 0.4654770 0.4474602 0.4145004 0.4986147 0.4299467 0.354526907
## [2,] 0.4111670 0.3225459 0.3028007 0.3956220 0.5524070 0.4264280 0.200698659
## [3,] 0.3451282 0.2392129 0.2272664 0.3999768 0.8253816 0.5090470 0.020727312
## [4,] 0.3181776 0.2618865 0.1814105 0.4150837 0.9581521 0.4551763 0.002361933
## [5,] 0.3555844 0.2550228 0.1595805 0.3474151 0.9324422 0.5543780 0.070362419
## [6,] 0.3686740 0.2943202 0.1065822 0.1668596 0.4033784 0.3448375 0.209898204
## [7,] 0.4111833 0.4030324 0.1919183 0.1723866 0.2298892 0.2421275 0.414325953
## [8,] 0.3812090 0.4858882 0.3803023 0.3771349 0.4024045 0.4102047 0.501650393
##            [,8]
## [1,] 0.29737329
## [2,] 0.26700559
## [3,] 0.09080849
## [4,] 0.07152078
## [5,] 0.11881936
## [6,] 0.24182341
## [7,] 0.35300747
## [8,] 0.47599444
## , , 4, 1
##            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]         [,6]
## [1,] 0.16491586 0.18378334 0.28542048 0.26018864 0.14889957 1.749086e-01
## [2,] 0.09440644 0.07127112 0.28318104 0.20255308 0.10651366 7.307230e-02
## [3,] 0.06701270 0.04338539 0.23514247 0.16765966 0.02271725 3.762850e-03
## [4,] 0.07184193 0.03279034 0.19499126 0.16322628 0.01311888 3.537172e-06
## [5,] 0.06131087 0.02977058 0.17533329 0.16524935 0.07603120 3.725016e-02
## [6,] 0.05124541 0.01864368 0.10862837 0.12757657 0.05287513 6.733549e-02
## [7,] 0.04296201 0.01140163 0.03496159 0.05462516 0.06538107 9.614037e-02
## [8,] 0.16897696 0.10097314 0.11095339 0.11884030 0.12064246 1.821003e-01
##             [,7]      [,8]
## [1,] 0.323346138 0.3325693
## [2,] 0.154499650 0.3327717
## [3,] 0.003637901 0.1550119
## [4,] 0.004098119 0.1500305
## [5,] 0.005127498 0.1426961
## [6,] 0.076475367 0.1702000
## [7,] 0.053354282 0.0853233
## [8,] 0.203049257 0.2541927
## , , 5, 1
##           [,1]      [,2]       [,3]      [,4]      [,5]       [,6]      [,7]
## [1,] 0.4088876 0.3281469 0.31757659 0.3296816 0.2416847 0.30842003 0.2826222
## [2,] 0.3253536 0.1952580 0.23505569 0.2239144 0.1382685 0.13826904 0.2247975
## [3,] 0.3053932 0.1463771 0.14762405 0.1212323 0.1170232 0.11569682 0.2140862
## [4,] 0.3221013 0.1421157 0.12821636 0.1281368 0.2803877 0.07619502 0.2475316
## [5,] 0.2965327 0.1442205 0.11869530 0.1298239 0.3110506 0.37224638 0.3108101
## [6,] 0.2872577 0.1306140 0.09673508 0.1259071 0.1966543 0.17768337 0.2070399
## [7,] 0.2724642 0.2064336 0.21457450 0.2435248 0.3111090 0.27551523 0.2968786
## [8,] 0.3671204 0.4170501 0.36455652 0.4603936 0.4649581 0.49876365 0.4791833
##           [,8]
## [1,] 0.3009813
## [2,] 0.3539481
## [3,] 0.2280535
## [4,] 0.2340001
## [5,] 0.1893230
## [6,] 0.3498937
## [7,] 0.3536443
## [8,] 0.3997338
## , , 6, 1
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]
## [1,] 0.6730731 0.7012892 0.8282602 0.6135319 0.7431093 0.5815746 0.5686185
## [2,] 0.6672665 0.7685835 0.8880886 0.7069159 0.8173864 0.7794816 0.6700435
## [3,] 0.7810093 0.9139746 0.9600584 0.9205896 0.9022682 0.9701681 0.9467540
## [4,] 0.7860104 0.9339116 0.9637063 0.9028959 0.9725211 0.9999988 0.9427245
## [5,] 0.7916315 0.9270773 0.9462017 0.9415361 0.9460345 0.9871424 0.9548299
## [6,] 0.8096858 0.9571847 0.9718243 0.9563374 0.9810125 0.9853585 0.9216541
## [7,] 0.8482009 0.9809137 0.9700474 0.9533759 0.9575083 0.9471467 0.9486054
## [8,] 0.9243892 0.9356348 0.9095957 0.8696740 0.9020783 0.8695765 0.8862369
##           [,8]
## [1,] 0.6328783
## [2,] 0.5658334
## [3,] 0.7586090
## [4,] 0.7908683
## [5,] 0.8406799
## [6,] 0.7496398
## [7,] 0.8141131
## [8,] 0.8568270


# Decode output

pred_box_info <- Decode_fun(pred_out, cut_prob = 0.5, cut_overlap = 0.3)
##   obj_name  col_left col_right   row_bot  row_top     prob img_id       col
## 1  pikachu 0.6193968 0.7443973 0.5013856 0.366489 0.999952      1 #FF0000FF
# Show image

Show_img(img = img, box_info = pred_box_info, show_prob = TRUE, show_grid = FALSE)


– 但這些比賽通常同時有多種物件同時需要識別,所以比賽的指標一般來說都使用「mean Average Precision (mAP)」,而這也是相關Paper使用的模型評估指標。

– 「Recall」就是醫學上常用的「Sensitivity」

– 根據他的定義,其實就是畫一條「Precision x Recall curve」,並計算它的曲線下面積:




# Sample information

num_obj <- 4
pred_value <- c(0.93, 0.75, 0.67, 0.71, 0.82, 0.91)
real_value <- c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)

# Calculation process

real_value <- real_value[order(pred_value, decreasing=TRUE)]
cum_TP <- cumsum(real_value)

P_list <- cum_TP * real_value / seq_along(real_value)
P_list <- P_list[P_list!=0]

while (sum(diff(P_list) > 0) >= 1) {
    diff_P_list <- diff(P_list)
    diff_P_list[diff_P_list < 0] <- 0
    P_list <- P_list + c(diff_P_list, 0)

# Average Precision

## [1] 0.55



IoU_function(sub_BOX_INFOS[,2:5], pred_box_info[,2:5])
## [1] 0.4222606


# Sample information

num_obj <- 4
pred_value <- c(0.93, 0.75, 0.67, 0.71, 0.82, 0.91)
real_IoU <- c(0.75, 0.81, 0.42, 0.69, 0.27, 0.39)

# Calculation function

AP_function <- function (obj_IoU, obj_prob, num_obj, IoU_cut = 0.5) {
  sort_obj_IoU <- obj_IoU[order(obj_prob, decreasing=TRUE)]
  pred_postive <- sort_obj_IoU > IoU_cut
  cum_TP <- cumsum(pred_postive)
  P_list <- cum_TP * pred_postive / seq_along(pred_postive)
  P_list <- P_list[P_list!=0]
  while (sum(diff(P_list) > 0) >= 1) {
    diff_P_list <- diff(P_list)
    diff_P_list[diff_P_list < 0] <- 0
    P_list <- P_list + c(diff_P_list, 0)

# Show AP

AP_function(obj_IoU = real_IoU, obj_prob = pred_value, num_obj = num_obj)
## [1] 0.55


– 比較有意思的是,剛剛的訓練過程中你應該有把每一代的模型都儲存下來了,你是否能稍微找一下訓練到第幾代就差不多了,不要過度訓練以防overfitting?

– 當然,你也可以試著調整訓練中所使用的參數,舉例來說…

  1. 在我們的Loss function中因為嚴重的類別不平衡,我們給定\(\lambda = 10\)以及\(\mbox{weight_classification} = 0.2\),你可以調整看看是不是會更好

  2. 在預測的時候,我們移除多餘預測框使用了\(\mbox{cut_overlap} = 0.3\),降低這個值會減少多餘的框,這會不會增加Average Precision呢

  3. 換一個起始模型進行轉移特徵學習,舉例來說改成ResNet,並且你可以修正它後面所連接的結構

  4. 有一堆額外的超參數可以讓你調整,像是Batch size、L2正則化的強度、學習率等


# Load model

YOLO_model <- mx.model.load('model/yolo_v1', 0)

# Load valiation dataset

val_img_list_path <- 'data/val_img_list.RData'
val_box_info_path <- 'data/val_box_info.RData'


# Read images

img_array <- array(0, dim = c(256, 256, 3, length(val_img_list)))

for (i in 1:length(val_img_list)) {
  img <- readJPEG(val_img_list[[i]])
  img_array[,,,i] <- preproc.image(img, width = 256, height = 256)

# Predict and decode

pred_out <- mxnet:::predict.MXFeedForwardModel(model = YOLO_model, X = img_array)
pred_box_info <- Decode_fun(pred_out, cut_prob = 0.5, cut_overlap = 0.3)

# Calculate IoU

pred_box_info$IoU <- 0

for (m in 1:nrow(pred_box_info)) {
  sub_label_box_info <- val_box_info[val_box_info[,'img_id'] == pred_box_info[m,'img_id'], ]
  IoUs <- numeric(nrow(sub_label_box_info))
  for (n in 1:nrow(sub_label_box_info)) {
    IoUs[n] <- IoU_function(label = sub_label_box_info[n,2:5], pred = pred_box_info[m,2:5])
  pred_box_info[m,'IoU'] <- max(IoUs)

# Calculate AP

obj_IoU <- pred_box_info[,'IoU']
obj_prob <- pred_box_info[,'prob']
num_obj <- nrow(val_box_info)

AP_function(obj_IoU = obj_IoU, obj_prob = obj_prob, num_obj = num_obj, IoU_cut = 0.5)
## [1] 0.8672958


– 在剛剛的實驗中,我們是透過了加權正樣本10倍來粗略的解決這個問題,但似乎太過簡單暴力了。

– 因此,Kaiming He、Ross Girshick與他們Facebook的同事又合作提出了一個新的損失函數:Focal Loss,它的想法是Soft-OHEM,並基於這個方法訓練出了RetinaNet



\[CE(y, p, \alpha) = -\frac{{1}}{n}\sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(\alpha \cdot y_{i} \cdot log(p_{i}) + (1 - \alpha) \cdot (1-y_{i}) \cdot log(1-p_{i})\right)\]

\[FL(y, p, \alpha, \gamma) = -\frac{{1}}{n}\sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(\alpha \cdot (1 - p_{i})^{\gamma} \cdot y_{i} \cdot log(p_{i}) + (1 - \alpha) \cdot p_{i}^{\gamma} \cdot (1-y_{i}) \cdot log(1-p_{i})\right)\]



CE_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda, eps = 1e-4) {
  log_pred_1 <- mx.symbol.log(data = indata + eps)
  log_pred_2 <- mx.symbol.log(data = 1 - indata + eps)
  multiple_log_pred_label_1 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_1, rhs = inlabel)
  multiple_log_pred_label_2 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_2, rhs = 1 - inlabel)
  obj_weighted_loss <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = multiple_log_pred_label_1 + multiple_log_pred_label_2)
  average_CE_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_weighted_loss, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  CE_loss <- 0 - average_CE_loss * lambda
Focal_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda, gamma = 0, eps = 1e-4) {
  log_pred_1 <- mx.symbol.log(data = indata + eps)
  log_pred_2 <- mx.symbol.log(data = 1 - indata + eps)
  multiple_log_pred_label_1 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_1, rhs = inlabel)
  multiple_log_pred_label_2 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_2, rhs = 1 - inlabel)
  obj_weighted_loss <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = (1 - indata + eps)^gamma * multiple_log_pred_label_1 + (indata + eps)^gamma * multiple_log_pred_label_2)
  average_Focal_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_weighted_loss, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  Focal_loss <- 0 - average_Focal_loss * lambda


\[MSE(y,\hat{y}) = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} (y - \hat{y})^2\]

– 但到了物件識別領域中又存在問題了,那就是若誤差太大時他給的損失值會以平方加權,但它所負責的部分是邊界框的長寬以及座標,偏移過多錯了就錯了,似乎不用給太大的損失。

\[MAE(y,\hat{y}) = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} |y - \hat{y}|\]

– 因此,我們又迫切的需要一個損失函數,滿足上述特性但具有連續可微的性質!



\[L(y,\hat{y}) = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} log(cosh(y - \hat{y}))\]

\[cosh(x) = \frac{e^x + e^{-x}}{2}\]


MSE_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda) {
  diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.broadcast_minus(lhs = indata, rhs = inlabel)
  square_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.square(data = diff_pred_label)
  obj_square_diff_loss <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = square_diff_pred_label)
  MSE_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_square_diff_loss, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  return(MSE_loss * lambda)
LOGCOSH_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda) {
  diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.broadcast_minus(lhs = indata, rhs = inlabel)
  cosh_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.cosh(data = diff_pred_label)
  logcosh_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.log(data = cosh_diff_pred_label)
  obj_logcosh_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = logcosh_diff_pred_label)
  LOGCOSH_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_logcosh_diff_pred_label, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  return(LOGCOSH_loss * lambda)


– 這應該是一個很簡單的題目,你只需要修改odel Architecture的部分,而剩下的部分完全都不用動到就能執行了!


# Libraries


## Define the model architecture
## Use pre-trained model and fine tuning

# Load MobileNet v2

Pre_Trained_model <- mx.model.load('model/mobilev2', 0)

# Get the internal output

Mobile_symbol <- Pre_Trained_model$symbol

Mobile_All_layer <- Mobile_symbol$get.internals()

basic_out <- which(Mobile_All_layer$outputs == 'conv6_3_linear_bn_output') %>% Mobile_All_layer$get.output()

# mx.symbol.infer.shape(basic_out, data = c(256, 256, 3, 7))$out.shapes
# conv6_3_linear_bn_output out shape = 8 8 320 n (if input shape = 256 256 3 n)

# Convolution layer for specific mission and training new parameters

# 1. Additional some architecture for better learning

DWCONV_function <- function (indata, num_filters = 256, Inverse_coef = 6, residual = TRUE, name = 'lvl1', stage = 1) {
  expend_conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = indata, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                       no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters * Inverse_coef,
                                       name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_expend'))
  expend_bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = expend_conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_expend_bn'))
  expend_relu <- mx.symbol.LeakyReLU(data = expend_bn, act.type = 'leaky', slope = 0.1, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_expend_relu'))
  dwise_conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = expend_relu, kernel = c(3, 3), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(1, 1),
                                      no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters * Inverse_coef, num.group = num_filters * Inverse_coef,
                                      name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_dwise'))
  dwise_bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = dwise_conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_dwise_bn'))
  dwise_relu <- mx.symbol.LeakyReLU(data = dwise_bn, act.type = 'leaky', slope = 0.1, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_dwise_relu'))
  restore_conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = dwise_relu, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                        no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters,
                                        name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_restore'))
  restore_bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = restore_conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_restore_bn'))
  if (residual) {
    block <- mx.symbol.broadcast_plus(lhs = indata, rhs = restore_bn, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_block'))
  } else {
    restore_relu <- mx.symbol.LeakyReLU(data = restore_bn, act.type = 'leaky', slope = 0.1, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_restore_relu'))

CONV_function <- function (indata, num_filters = 256, name = 'lvl1', stage = 1) {
  conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = indata, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                no.bias = TRUE, num.filter = num_filters,
                                name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_conv'))
  bn <- mx.symbol.BatchNorm(data = conv, fix_gamma = FALSE, name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_bn'))
  relu <- mx.symbol.Activation(data = bn, act.type = 'relu', name = paste0(name, '_', stage, '_relu'))

YOLO_map_function <- function (indata, final_map = 6, num_box = 1, drop = 0.2, name = 'lvl1') {
  dp <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = indata, p = drop, name = paste0(name, '_drop'))
  conv <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data = dp, kernel = c(1, 1), stride = c(1, 1), pad = c(0, 0),
                                no.bias = FALSE, num.filter = final_map, name = paste0(name, '_linearmap'))
  inter_split <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = conv, num_outputs = final_map,
                                        axis = 1, squeeze_axis = FALSE, name = paste0(name, "_inter_split"))
  new_list <- list()
  for (k in 1:final_map) {
    if (!(k %% num_box) %in% c(4:5)) {
      new_list[[k]] <- mx.symbol.Activation(inter_split[[k]], act.type = 'sigmoid', name = paste0(name, "_yolomap_", k))
    } else {
      new_list[[k]] <- inter_split[[k]]
  yolomap <- mx.symbol.concat(data = new_list, num.args = final_map, dim = 1, name = paste0(name, "_yolomap"))

yolo_conv_1 <- DWCONV_function(indata = basic_out, num_filters = 320, Inverse_coef = 3, residual = TRUE, name = 'yolo', stage = 1)
yolo_conv_2 <- DWCONV_function(indata = yolo_conv_1, num_filters = 320, Inverse_coef = 3, residual = TRUE, name = 'yolo', stage = 2)
yolo_conv_3 <- CONV_function(indata = yolo_conv_2, num_filters = 320, name = 'yolo', stage = 3)

yolomap <- YOLO_map_function(indata = yolo_conv_3, final_map = 6, drop = 0.2, name = 'final')

# 2. Custom loss function

LOGCOSH_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda) {
  diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.broadcast_minus(lhs = indata, rhs = inlabel)
  cosh_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.cosh(data = diff_pred_label)
  logcosh_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.log(data = cosh_diff_pred_label)
  obj_logcosh_diff_pred_label <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = logcosh_diff_pred_label)
  LOGCOSH_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_logcosh_diff_pred_label, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  return(LOGCOSH_loss * lambda)

Focal_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, obj, lambda, gamma = 0, eps = 1e-4) {
  log_pred_1 <- mx.symbol.log(data = indata + eps)
  log_pred_2 <- mx.symbol.log(data = 1 - indata + eps)
  multiple_log_pred_label_1 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_1, rhs = inlabel)
  multiple_log_pred_label_2 <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = log_pred_2, rhs = 1 - inlabel)
  obj_weighted_loss <- mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(lhs = obj, rhs = (1 - indata + eps)^gamma * multiple_log_pred_label_1 + (indata + eps)^gamma * multiple_log_pred_label_2)
  average_Focal_loss <- mx.symbol.mean(data = obj_weighted_loss, axis = 0:3, keepdims = FALSE)
  Focal_loss <- 0 - average_Focal_loss * lambda

YOLO_loss_function <- function (indata, inlabel, final_map = 6, num_box = 1, lambda = 10, gamma = 2, weight_classification = 0.2, name = 'yolo') {
  num_feature <- final_map/num_box
  my_loss <- 0
  yolomap_split <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = indata, num_outputs = final_map, 
                                          axis = 1, squeeze_axis = FALSE, name = paste(name, '_yolomap_split'))
  label_split <- mx.symbol.SliceChannel(data = inlabel, num_outputs = final_map, 
                                        axis = 1, squeeze_axis = FALSE, name = paste(name, '_label_split'))
  for (j in 1:num_box) {
    for (k in 1:num_feature) {
      if (k %in% 1:5) {weight <- 1} else {weight <- weight_classification}
      if (!k %in% c(2:5)) {
        if (k == 1) {
          my_loss <- my_loss + Focal_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   obj = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                   lambda = lambda * weight,
                                                   gamma = gamma,
                                                   eps = 1e-4)
          my_loss <- my_loss + Focal_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   obj = 1 - label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                   lambda = 1,
                                                   gamma = gamma,
                                                   eps = 1e-4)
        } else {
          my_loss <- my_loss + Focal_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   obj = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                   lambda = lambda * weight,
                                                   gamma = gamma,
                                                   eps = 1e-4)
      } else {
        my_loss <- my_loss + LOGCOSH_loss_function(indata = yolomap_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   inlabel = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+k]],
                                                   obj = label_split[[(j-1)*num_feature+1]],
                                                   lambda = lambda * weight)

label <- mx.symbol.Variable(name = "label")

yolo_loss <- YOLO_loss_function(indata = yolomap, inlabel = label, final_map = 6, num_box = 1, lambda = 10, gamma = 2, weight_classification = 0.2, name = 'yolo')

final_yolo_loss <- mx.symbol.MakeLoss(data = yolo_loss)


– 這個原因是我們今天訓練的是一個YOLO v1模型,而錨框(anchor box)的使用是從YOLO v2的模型開始的。

– 錨框的想法是非常重要的,否則我們很難在YOLO v1的基礎上增加每個grid所預測的bounding box數量。

– 錨框的長寬位置仍然是非常重要的,舉例來說我們要做道路上的人車識別,很有可能行人的長寬比大多都是3比1,而汽車的長寬比大多都是1比5,因此我們就可以運用不同的錨框來預測相似屬性的物件

– 引入錨框之後,Encode與Decode的過程變成了計算與錨框之間的差異:



– Joseph Redmon在YOLO v2的論文中:YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger提出了另一種決定錨框的長寬比的思路,那就是把這些框的長寬比做聚類分析(clustering analysis),之後再決定出數個錨框。

# box_info_path (Training and Validation set)

original_box_info_path <- 'data/train_box_info.RData'
revised_box_info_path <- 'data/train_box_info (yolo v3).RData'
anchor_boxs_path <- 'data/anchor_boxs (yolo v3).RData'

# Start to define anchor boxes 


anchor_box_info <- data.frame(width = log(train_box_info[,3] - train_box_info[,2]),
                              height = log(train_box_info[,4] - train_box_info[,5]),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

kmean_model <- kmeans(x = anchor_box_info, centers = 9, iter.max = 10)

anchor_boxs <- as.data.frame(kmean_model$centers, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
anchor_boxs$width <- exp(anchor_boxs$width)
anchor_boxs$height <- exp(anchor_boxs$height)
anchor_boxs$rank <- rank(anchor_boxs[,1] * anchor_boxs[,2])
anchor_boxs$lvl <- ceiling(anchor_boxs$rank / 3)
anchor_boxs$seq <- anchor_boxs$rank %% 3 + 1
anchor_boxs$col <- rainbow(9)[anchor_boxs$rank]

##        width    height rank lvl seq       col
## 1 0.07782336 0.1312339    2   1   3 #FFAA00FF
## 2 0.09309299 0.1455360    5   2   3 #00FFAAFF
## 3 0.11728431 0.1439148    7   3   2 #0000FFFF
## 4 0.09873949 0.1612554    6   2   1 #00AAFFFF
## 5 0.11056990 0.1719687    8   3   3 #AA00FFFF
## 6 0.08775265 0.1329813    3   1   1 #AAFF00FF
## 7 0.13994964 0.1717804    9   3   1 #FF00AAFF
## 8 0.08017669 0.1209479    1   1   2 #FF0000FF
## 9 0.10678621 0.1261838    4   2   2 #00FF00FF
# Visualization

par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2))

plot(exp(anchor_box_info$width), exp(anchor_box_info$height), pch = 19, cex = 1.5,
     col = anchor_boxs$col[kmean_model$cluster], 
     xlab = 'Width', ylab = 'Height', main = 'Anchor box clusters')


# Add anchor box info to train_box_info

train_box_info$bbox_center_row <- (train_box_info[,4] + train_box_info[,5])/2
train_box_info$bbox_center_col <- (train_box_info[,2] + train_box_info[,3])/2
train_box_info$bbox_width <- exp(anchor_box_info$width)
train_box_info$bbox_height <- exp(anchor_box_info$height)
train_box_info$anchor_width <- anchor_boxs$width[kmean_model$cluster]
train_box_info$anchor_height <- anchor_boxs$height[kmean_model$cluster]
train_box_info$rank <- anchor_boxs$rank[kmean_model$cluster]
train_box_info$lvl <- anchor_boxs$lvl[kmean_model$cluster]
train_box_info$seq <- anchor_boxs$seq[kmean_model$cluster]

##   obj_name  col_left col_right   row_bot   row_top prob img_id bbox_center_row
## 1  pikachu 0.6267570 0.7256063 0.4658268 0.3013253    1      1       0.3835761
## 2  pikachu 0.5070340 0.5993253 0.4963081 0.3682864    1      2       0.4322973
## 3  pikachu 0.5904536 0.6917713 0.5608004 0.3917792    1      3       0.4762898
## 4  pikachu 0.5722729 0.6571676 0.5396996 0.4144326    1      4       0.4770661
## 5  pikachu 0.3893552 0.5016431 0.4850163 0.3470082    1      5       0.4160123
## 6  pikachu 0.3819232 0.4916472 0.5595707 0.4213461    1      6       0.4904584
##   bbox_center_col bbox_width bbox_height anchor_width anchor_height rank lvl
## 1       0.6761816 0.09884930   0.1645015   0.09873949     0.1612554    6   2
## 2       0.5531797 0.09229130   0.1280217   0.08775265     0.1329813    3   1
## 3       0.6411124 0.10131770   0.1690212   0.09873949     0.1612554    6   2
## 4       0.6147203 0.08489472   0.1252670   0.08017669     0.1209479    1   1
## 5       0.4454992 0.11228791   0.1380081   0.11728431     0.1439148    7   3
## 6       0.4367852 0.10972404   0.1382246   0.11728431     0.1439148    7   3
##   seq
## 1   1
## 2   1
## 3   1
## 4   2
## 5   2
## 6   2
# Save data

save(train_box_info, file = revised_box_info_path)

anchor_boxs <- anchor_boxs[order(anchor_boxs$rank),]
rownames(anchor_boxs) <- 1:nrow(anchor_boxs)

save(anchor_boxs, file = anchor_boxs_path)


Encode_fun <- function (box_info, n.grid = c(32, 16, 8), eps = 1e-8, n.anchor = 3,
                        obj_name = 'pikachu') {
  img_IDs <- unique(box_info$img_id)
  num_pred <- 5 + length(obj_name)
  out_array_list <- list()
  for (k in 1:length(n.grid)) {
    out_array_list[[k]] <- array(0, dim = c(n.grid[k], n.grid[k], n.anchor * num_pred, length(img_IDs)))
  for (j in 1:length(img_IDs)) {
    sub_box_info <- box_info[box_info$img_id == img_IDs[j],]
    for (k in 1:length(n.grid)) {
      if (k %in% sub_box_info$lvl) {
        rescale_box_info <- sub_box_info[sub_box_info$lvl == k,c(1, 8:13, 15:16)]
        rescale_box_info[,2:7] <- rescale_box_info[,2:7] * n.grid[k]
        for (i in 1:nrow(rescale_box_info)) {
          center_row <- ceiling(rescale_box_info$bbox_center_row[i])
          center_col <- ceiling(rescale_box_info$bbox_center_col[i])
          row_related_pos <- rescale_box_info$bbox_center_row[i] %% 1
          row_related_pos[row_related_pos == 0] <- 1
          col_related_pos <- rescale_box_info$bbox_center_col[i] %% 1
          col_related_pos[col_related_pos == 0] <- 1
          out_array_list[[k]][center_row,center_col,(rescale_box_info$seq[i]-1)*num_pred+1,j] <- 1
          out_array_list[[k]][center_row,center_col,(rescale_box_info$seq[i]-1)*num_pred+2,j] <- row_related_pos
          out_array_list[[k]][center_row,center_col,(rescale_box_info$seq[i]-1)*num_pred+3,j] <- col_related_pos
          out_array_list[[k]][center_row,center_col,(rescale_box_info$seq[i]-1)*num_pred+4,j] <- log(rescale_box_info$bbox_width[i]/rescale_box_info$anchor_width[i] + eps)
          out_array_list[[k]][center_row,center_col,(rescale_box_info$seq[i]-1)*num_pred+5,j] <- log(rescale_box_info$bbox_height[i]/rescale_box_info$anchor_height[i] + eps)
          out_array_list[[k]][center_row,center_col,(rescale_box_info$seq[i]-1)*num_pred+5+which(obj_name %in% rescale_box_info$obj_name[i]),j] <- 1 

Decode_fun <- function (encode_array_list, anchor_boxs,
                        cut_prob = 0.5, cut_overlap = 0.5,
                        obj_name = 'pikachu',
                        obj_col = '#FF0000FF') {
  num_list <- length(encode_array_list)
  num_img <- dim(encode_array_list[[1]])[4]
  num_feature <- length(obj_name) + 5
  pos_start <- (0:(dim(encode_array_list[[1]])[3]/num_feature-1)*num_feature)
  box_info <- NULL
  # Decoding
  for (j in 1:num_img) {
    sub_box_info <- NULL
    for (k in 1:num_list) {
      for (i in 1:length(pos_start)) {
        sub_encode_array <- as.array(encode_array_list[[k]])[,,pos_start[i]+1:num_feature,j]
        pos_over_cut <- which(sub_encode_array[,,1] >= cut_prob)
        if (length(pos_over_cut) >= 1) {
          pos_over_cut_row <- pos_over_cut %% dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
          pos_over_cut_row[pos_over_cut_row == 0] <- dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
          pos_over_cut_col <- ceiling(pos_over_cut/dim(sub_encode_array)[1])
          anchor_box <- anchor_boxs[anchor_boxs$lvl == k & anchor_boxs$seq == i, 1:2]
          for (l in 1:length(pos_over_cut)) {
            encode_vec <- sub_encode_array[pos_over_cut_row[l],pos_over_cut_col[l],]
            if (encode_vec[2] < 0) {encode_vec[2] <- 0}
            if (encode_vec[2] > 1) {encode_vec[2] <- 1}
            if (encode_vec[3] < 0) {encode_vec[3] <- 0}
            if (encode_vec[3] > 1) {encode_vec[3] <- 1}
            center_row <- (encode_vec[2] + (pos_over_cut_row[l] - 1))/dim(sub_encode_array)[1]
            center_col <- (encode_vec[3] + (pos_over_cut_col[l] - 1))/dim(sub_encode_array)[2]
            width <- exp(encode_vec[4]) * anchor_box[1,1]
            height <- exp(encode_vec[5]) * anchor_box[1,2]
            new_box_info <- data.frame(obj_name = obj_name[which.max(encode_vec[-c(1:5)])],
                                       col_left = center_col-width/2,
                                       col_right = center_col+width/2,
                                       row_bot = center_row+height/2,
                                       row_top = center_row-height/2,
                                       prob = encode_vec[1],
                                       img_ID = j,
                                       col = obj_col[which.max(encode_vec[-c(1:5)])],
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            sub_box_info <- rbind(sub_box_info, new_box_info)
    if (!is.null(sub_box_info)) {
      # Remove overlapping
      sub_box_info <- sub_box_info[order(sub_box_info$prob, decreasing = TRUE),]
      for (obj in unique(sub_box_info$obj_name)) {
        obj_sub_box_info <- sub_box_info[sub_box_info$obj_name == obj,]
        if (nrow(obj_sub_box_info) == 1) {
          box_info <- rbind(box_info, obj_sub_box_info)
        } else {
          overlap_seq <- NULL
          for (m in 2:nrow(obj_sub_box_info)) {
            for (n in 1:(m-1)) {
              if (!n %in% overlap_seq) {
                overlap_prob <- IoU_function(label = obj_sub_box_info[m,2:5], pred = obj_sub_box_info[n,2:5])
                overlap_width <- min(obj_sub_box_info[m,3], obj_sub_box_info[n,3]) - max(obj_sub_box_info[m,2], obj_sub_box_info[n,2])
                overlap_height <- min(obj_sub_box_info[m,4], obj_sub_box_info[n,4]) - max(obj_sub_box_info[m,5], obj_sub_box_info[n,5])
                if (overlap_prob >= cut_overlap) {
                  overlap_seq <- c(overlap_seq, m)
          if (!is.null(overlap_seq)) {
            obj_sub_box_info <- obj_sub_box_info[-overlap_seq,]
          box_info <- rbind(box_info, obj_sub_box_info)


# Load data (Training set)

load('data/train_box_info (yolo v3).RData')
load('data/anchor_boxs (yolo v3).RData')

# Test Encode & Decode function

img_id <- 1

resized_img <- readJPEG(train_img_list[[img_id]])

sub_BOX_INFOS <- train_box_info[train_box_info$img_id %in% img_id,]

Encode_label <- Encode_fun(box_info = sub_BOX_INFOS)
restore_BOX_INFOS <- Decode_fun(encode_array_list = Encode_label, anchor_boxs = anchor_boxs)

Show_img(img = resized_img, box_info = restore_BOX_INFOS, show_grid = FALSE)

– 至於接著就是要進行模型的訓練及預測,這個部分就請你直接下載現成的語法:pikachu object detection (multi boxes).R以及predict (multi boxes).R


– 上過這節課之後,你再回頭看看上一節課的家庭作業,你是不是覺得更清楚它的運作方式了?

– 由於有太多超參數需要調整,你可能會需要訓練很多次,最終把你的研究過程寫成一個簡短的報告與同學分享。

– 如果你真的想要訓練一個物件識別模型,一定要把Github上的範例:MxNetR-YOLO中VOC2007的部分做過一次,並試著看能不能將整個流程套用到你想要的地方。

– 你可以把上節課作業的模型當作是你的預訓練模型用到自己的任務上,由於結構更為相似他轉移特徵學習的效果應該會更好!
